@goblin It is also a great opportunity to find a registered dietician you trust, and make sure that your grandparents don’t have a Vitamin D deficiency. A value between 40-50 ng/ml of blood is ideal.

#vitamind3 #dietician #covid #covid19

Last updated 1 year ago

IronWynch · @wynch
106 followers · 864 posts · Server soc.ironwyn.ch

Well, tomorrow, like most people, I'm going to see the and they are going to tell me what I should be eating. I'm going to sit through it, and maybe see if anything has changed in the past 10 years. If not then I'll ask them how I'm going to afford to eat the way they are suggesting. Unless they're willing to chip in a couple or three hundred more dollars a month, it's not happening.

#diabetic #dietician

Last updated 1 year ago

Paul Peace · @paulpeace
458 followers · 666 posts · Server mstdn.social
Paul Peace · @paulpeace
436 followers · 555 posts · Server mstdn.social

If you go vegan you can use iron-based pans without unhealthy coatings. Whereas a meat-eater might push themselves well over their iron needs (and Fe is oxidising), a vegan won't as easily travel into that territory & might top up. As for seasoning the pans, though? Acrylamides?

#anemia #Science #pans #Chef #Vegan #nutrition #dietician

Last updated 2 years ago

Dr Luke Robinson · @dr_luke_robinson
29 followers · 11 posts · Server mastodon.au

Our chapter titled "Appraising and Critiquing Evidence from Anecdotal, Observational and Experimental Studies Relevant to Paramedic Clinical Practice" is now published in the brand next text "Introducing, Designing and Conducting Research for Paramedics".

In it we explore methods for appraising and critiquing anecdotal, observational and experimental research evidence, as well as specific types of critical appraisal tools. While written for a audience, it presents a helpful guide for all ( ) and undergraduate and higher degree ( )

Thank you for the opportunity to contribute Alexander Olaussen, Kelly-Ann Bowles, Bill Lord, and Brett Williams.

#paramedicine #alliedhealthprofessionals #occupationaltherapy #physiotherapy #nursing #speechpathology #dietician #podiatry #research #students #phd #masters

Last updated 2 years ago

tolortslubor · @tolortslubor
108 followers · 1219 posts · Server mas.to

“Newly released documents show [the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics] an influential group that helps shape US food policy and steers consumers toward nutritional products has financial ties to the world’s largest processed food companies and has been controlled by former industry employees who have worked for companies like Monsanto” theguardian.com/science/2022/d

#corruption #health #dietician #dietetics

Last updated 2 years ago