Paavo Kässi · @paavokassi
434 followers · 460 posts · Server

Half of the localisation done. Note to self: use less , , and when writing the next game. Makes it easier in the post-post-production, if you don't have to spend time wondering the origins of the jokes you've written in the style of a silly tv-series you happened to watch nearly three years ago. Don't even remember anything about the show, just my own, stupid, out-of-the-context jokes.

#puns #wordplays #doublemeanings #stupidjokes #differance

Last updated 2 years ago

Peter Kahlert · @PeterKahlert
464 followers · 452 posts · Server

Look, if you remove the constitutive difference between sugar and cane sugar from your kitchen's discourse, storing sugar outputs artsy aesthetics - if your perception rewrites these sweetening semantics into its own ontological frame of mediated affordance.

Now it is a landscape, or at least something to toot about and say: maybe that's all you need to know about and . But probly not.

#deconstruction #differance

Last updated 2 years ago

Paavo Kässi · @paavokassi
284 followers · 183 posts · Server

One of my favourite books is 's classic sonnet generator. I don't actually read it, because the aesthetical value of the book is the book itself, its cybernetic, magerial form and its user interface. Everytime I get lost with why and what I'm writing, I return to this and start dabbling with the pages. Writing and reading is an and enactic exercise. It's about and , where writers communicate with readers through time. Book is a time machine.

#RaymondQueneau #oulipo #embodied #differance #time

Last updated 2 years ago