The next Power to Be Give It a Go open house day is happening on this Sunday, August 13th at Prospect Lake location. Open to all #disabled kids & adults & their families/guardians.
I'll be there with my Mom.
#AdaptiveRecreation #VictoriaBC #vanisle #yyj #PowerToBe #nonprofit #Wsanec #Saanich #FreeEvent #CommunityEvent #DifferentlyAbled #EventsForDisabledFolks #FunDay #AdaptiveSports
#disabled #adaptiverecreation #victoriabc #vanisle #yyj #powertobe #nonprofit #wsanec #saanich #freeevent #communityevent #differentlyabled #eventsfordisabledfolks #funday #adaptivesports
Safe at home now. Famished & need to eat. Will post more photos later or tomorrow.
We ended up #hiking the Upper Falls trails at #GoldstreamPark instead. It's accessed via the campground area & the trails there aren't as busy as the main hiking trails accessed through their main parking lot. My friend had never seen the Upper Falls before so I wanted to show her.
#NatureLover #VancouverIsland #vanisle #PNW #PacificNorthwest #DisabledHiker #DifferentlyAbled #forest #AsianMastodon #BCparks
#hiking #goldstreampark #naturelover #vancouverisland #vanisle #pnw #pacificnorthwest #disabledhiker #differentlyabled #forest #asianmastodon #bcparks
Jules Sherred, a disability advocate, food photographer, and recipe developer, has just published Crip Up the Kitchen: Tools,Tips, and Recipes for the Disabled Cook.
#IndependentLiving #DisabledCommunity #lifeskills #DisabledCook #SelfSuffiency #empowerment #DifferentlyAbled #cookbook
#independentliving #disabledcommunity #lifeskills #disabledcook #selfsuffiency #empowerment #differentlyabled #cookbook
"He doesn't speak words he goes boing boing, instead."
I used to love the shirt carton Gerald McBoing Boing as a kid. Coming back as an adult with autistic behaviors, I appreciate it even more for the message of acceptance of those that are different. My heart swells (three times as big) and my eyes tear up in how the world of the story celebrates the child and his parents accept him and they become wealthy. If only the real world was similar.
#autism #asd #acceptance #tolerance #disabilities #accomodations #celebratediversity #neurodiversity #differentlyabled
#autism #ASD #acceptance #tolerance #disabilities #accomodations #celebratediversity #neurodiversity #differentlyabled
Periodic reminder to add descriptions to pics. Many won’t boost your posts without them, and Mastodon is all about #accessibility 😘 Picture for emphasis 😊
#ThisIsntTwitter #Tags #DifferentlyAbled #VisuallyImpaired
#accessibility #thisisnttwitter #tags #differentlyabled #visuallyimpaired
@Talyaa I've sometimes imagined that an African Grey parrot could perhaps function quite well as a Service Parrot. Verbalizing to a vision-challenged client to wait for the crossing light to change, or to navigate to the produce section at the grocery. Perhaps they're "too independent" or have mischievous lapses that would leave a client vulnerable. Not shading service dogs btw: my sister's service dog was a sweet feller and made a huge difference in her life.
#servicedogs #differentlyabled
I saw a person on an electric wheel chair, traveling in a busy road alongside other vehicles such as cars, bikes, buses and trucks, at almost similar speeds as the other vehicles. Is this ok? Just worried for their safety. #Chennai #MastIndia #DifferentlyAbled #Disabled
#chennai #mastindia #differentlyabled #disabled
Here are some things you may want to know about me:
#RecoveringAlcoholic #FriendOfBillW #RecoveryPosse
#HemorragicStroke #Differentlyabled
#CatLover #DogOwner
#prochoicecatholic #democrat #dogowner #catlover #bookworm #differentlyabled #hemorragicstroke #bipolardisorder #recoveryposse #friendofbillw #recoveringalcoholic
Here are some things you may want to know about me:
#RecoveringAlcoholic (Sept 1986) #FriendOfBillW #RecoveryPosse
#HemorragicStroke #Differentlyabled
#CatLover #DogOwner
#prochoicecatholic #democrat #dogowner #catlover #bookworm #differentlyabled #hemorragicstroke #bipolardisorder #recoveryposse #friendofbillw #recoveringalcoholic
@nilikm as someone with #deaf family members it’s easy to see how ignored the #differentlyAbled community is. Each state handles #adaptive equipment differently so insurance and warranties are tricky. One has to be aggressive to find the right solutions. And #mentalHealth! Such a struggle in rural areas! So I hope advocates can be found in state and federal government.
#mentalhealth #adaptive #differentlyabled #deaf
#நான்_முதல்வன் திட்டத்தின் கீழ் 100 மாற்றுத்திறனாளிகளுக்கு மடிக்கணினிகளை வழங்கினார் முதல் அமைச்சர் மு.க.ஸ்டாலின்… via
#DifferentlyAbled #AlternativelyAbled #Laptop #TNGovt
#TNGovt #laptop #alternativelyabled #differentlyabled #நான_முதலவன
♿ #Solidarity with #disability community requires study, practice and listening skills.
For starters CamelCapitalization of HashTags
Please always use #Image descriptors when posting images.
Some TLC when writing them is always nice. If you don't know how, plz describe images in your toots right here in the main text.
HashTags are also best left for the end of the toot so ScreenReaders don't say "hashtag" a hundred times. E.O.M.
#DifferentlyAbled #ScreenReaders #HashTags #AlteranativelyAbled
#solidarity #disability #image #differentlyabled #screenreaders #hashtags #alteranativelyabled
இந்தியாவிலேயே முதன்முறையாக மெரினாவில் அமைக்கப்பட்டுள்ள மாற்றுத் திறனாளிகளுக்கான மரப்பாதையை திறந்து வைத்தார் உதயநிதி ஸ்டாலின்…
#MarinaBeach #DifferentlyAbled #alternative #abled #Ramp #wooden #WoodenRamp
#woodenramp #wooden #ramp #abled #alternative #differentlyabled #MarinaBeach
Little #introduction, I’m a self employed private chef for a #differentlyabled community located in beautiful #LagunaBeach California. I’m for #sustainableliving. I love #reusereducerecycle. I’ve been a board member of the #Leagueofconservationvoters OC chapter for over a decade. #cleanenvironment starts with locally elected officials
I have three people I have answer to, my higher power, myself, and my cat. No one else is the Boss of me. #soberlife
#introduction #differentlyabled #lagunabeach #sustainableliving #reusereducerecycle #leagueofconservationvoters #cleanenvironment #soberlife
Hello to my journalistically incline friends. For newer newbies than I, here are my suggestions:
1st: Create your profile.
2nd: Write an introduction of yourself. Use lots of hash tags.
3rd: Always include a text description with your photos for #peoplewithdisabilities or rather #differentlyabled folks.
4th: Make it clear in your profile and first posts who you are where you are at so people will know you are safe and on the level - ie. not #racist #ablist #transphobic #homophobic etc.
#peoplewithdisabilities #differentlyabled #racist #ablist #transphobic #homophobic
மூத்த குடிமக்கள், மாற்றுத்திறனாளிகள் பயன்படுத்தும் வகையில், தமிழகத்தில் உள்ள 3,808 நூலகங்களை சீரமைக்க நிதி ஒதுக்கீடு! via
#TamilNadu #district #LLA #library #Ramp #seniorcitizens #DifferentlyAbled
#differentlyabled #seniorcitizens #ramp #library #LLA #district #tamilnadu
மதுரை மாவட்டத்தில் மாற்றுத்திறனாளிகளுக்கான வாழ்வாதார முகாம் செப்டம்பர் 24 ஆம் தேதி தொடங்கி அக்டோபர் 12 வரை 14 நாள்களில் 15 முகாம்கள் நடந்துமுடிந்துள்ளன.தோழர் மாநில செயற்குழு உறுப்பினர் #CPIM #DifferentlyAbled #MaduraiCamp #ADIP #SuVenkatesanMP
#cpim #differentlyabled #maduraicamp #ADIP #SuVenkatesanMP
மாற்றுத்திறனாளிகளின் உதவியாளர்களுக்கு மாதம் ரூ.1000 நிதியுதவி! தமிழக அரசு via
#TNGovt #support #financial #differentlyabled
வறுமைக்கோட்டிற்கு கீழ் உள்ள மாற்றுத்திறனாளிகளுக்கு வீடு! தமிழக அரசு அரசாணை வெளியீடு! via
#BPL #BelowPoverty #DifferentlyAbled #disabledpersons #TamilNadu #tamilnadugovt #Housing
#housing #TAMILNADUGOVT #tamilnadu #disabledpersons #differentlyabled #BelowPoverty #bpl
மாற்றுத்திறனாளிகள் நலனுக்காக சிறந்த சேவை புரிந்த 6 பேருக்கு தமிழகஅரசின் விருதுகள் அறிவிப்பு… via
#awards #tamilnadu #services #welfare #differentlyabled