@NicoleCRust My 400 letters were out… Sorry for poor description, no native English here :): Maybe your multifocal lens is different… However, the #diffractiongrating approach is the standard way to create second focus to my knowledge. #optics is not really my field.
@NicoleCRust Well, that with the near and far rings is wrong anyway: #optics The rings form a #diffractiongrating, designed to collect about 50% of the light in the 1st order and the other 50% in zero order (no deflection). The other side of the lens is convex, creating the focus using the first order of the above. So on the _retina_ you have two images superimposed, just like the one on the right in my formerly attached image. If you're looking close, close focus is sharp, distant blurred.
Quantum weirdness is opening new doors for electron microscopes, powerful tools used for high-resolution imaging.
Split an electron like a wave, send it past a sample, record which slit it came back in from and measure its properties, #science, and you have yourself an image.
I always marvel at things like this. Very impressive.
#diffractiongrating #WaveParticleDuality #science