Al mijn lievelingsseries van het moment zijn blijkbaar allemaal van voor mijn geboortejaar 😂
#taxi met LatkaGravas
#taxi #morkandmindy #happydays #lavernandshirley #joanieloveschachi #welcomebackkotter #thebradybunch #diffrentstrokes #thejeffersons
2️⃣ There’s nothing amusing about Furillo being called before a grand jury, however. They are investigating police corruption, and it’s the start of a new story arc.
📺 Thursday, January 14, 1982: NBC aired this after #DiffrentStrokes (s4e10) and #GimmeABreak! (s1e10). Against it, ABC had 20/20 and CBS had #Nurse (s2e8) starring #MichaelLearned.
#diffrentstrokes #gimmeabreak #nurse #michaellearned
And then he does it again at the end, not a kissed corpse in sight, and it’s like, maybe this is how he ALWAYS reacts to stress. #DiffrentStrokes
#MisfitsOfScience s1e8 (1985) - 6/10
Surprisingly dull.
1️⃣ #DaleRobinette guests as a #bionic secret agent, who works with the Misfits on a mission in France. Fun idea for a character. Could easily have been a regular on the show.
2️⃣ #SidHaig guests, but is underused.
3️⃣ The ideas are fun; the execution is disappointingly flat.
📺 Friday, Dec 6th, 1985: Aired on NBC after #KnightRider s4e9, before #MiamiVice s2e10. Against it, CBS had #Dallas s9e12, ABC had #DiffrentStrokes s8e9 & #Benson s7e8.
#misfitsofscience #dalerobinette #bionic #sidhaig #knightrider #MiamiVice #dallas #diffrentstrokes #benson
#TJHooker s2e14 - 9/10
#LeonardNimoy directs, #CorinneBohrer guests.
🚔 It’s a pretty good story about a serial killer. Stacy’s friend was a victim, so she works the case. This means #HeatherLocklear isn’t stuck behind a desk for the usual 3 or 4 scenes. Instead, she gets a lot of screentime and the producers put her in a bikini asap!
📺 Sat, Jan 22, 1983. ABC aired this before #TheLoveBoat s6e14. Against it, CBS had #BringEmBackAlive s1e13; NBC had #DiffrentStrokes s5e15 & #SilverSpoons s1e16.
#tjhooker #leonardnimoy #corinnebohrer #heatherlocklear #TheLoveBoat #bringembackalive #diffrentstrokes #silverspoons
[1978] Diff'rent Strokes - The misadventures of a wealthy Manhattan family who adopted the children of their late African American housekeeper from Harlem.
First episode: Willis and Arnold (Todd Bridges and Gary Coleman) get to meet Mr. Drummond (Conrad Bain) for the first time.
#OldBritishTelly #FreeForAllFriday #diffrentstrokes
[1978] Diff'rent Strokes - The misadventures of a wealthy Manhattan family who adopted the children of their late African American housekeeper from Harlem. First episode.
#OldBritishTelly #FreeForAllFriday #diffrentstrokes
Diff’rent Strokes once had an episode that educated us all while making us feel yucky! Go check out our review #diffrentstrokes #garycoleman #bicycleman
#diffrentstrokes #garycoleman #bicycleman
Taking a look back at that very special Diff’rent Strokes episode, the Bicycle man #diffrentstrokes @ToddBridges #twistedkid #themixtapepodcast
#diffrentstrokes #twistedkid #themixtapepodcast