What happens if we allow the color component to #diffuse out of the #MonaLisa?
In this experiment, the #pixels of the Mona Lisa supply us with initial #RGB color component values, ranging from 0 to 255 (256 possible states for each component, for each pixel, at time t = 0).
We then allow the red color component to diffuse out, according to the #HeatEquation, ∆u = ∂u/∂t; we step forward in time, solving for all color component values u, at each spatial location (x, y) in the painting 🖼 (along the edges of the painting, color components are held constant, so that we have a well-defined boundary value problem).
We can see here what happens to the image as the red component diffuses out.
#diffuse #monalisa #Pixels #RGB #heatequation
Blinn-Phong shading in 2023…
#ambient #diffuse #specular #shininess #lofilifestyle
This work covers some of my #dissertation chapters and a recently published follow-up paper in #AGU #EarthsFuture on the important of #diffuse #radiation for #terrestrial water and #carbon budgets: https://doi.org/10.1029/2022EF002805
#carbon #terrestrial #radiation #diffuse #earthsfuture #AGU #dissertation
This work covers some of my #dissertation chapters
and a recently published follow-up paper in
#AGU #@EarthsFuture on the important of #diffuse #radiation for #terrestrial water and #carbon budgets: https://t.co/n7DdG9yHLp
#carbon #terrestrial #radiation #diffuse #AGU #dissertation
2. Aerosols, by scattering sunlight, increase #diffuse #radiation. This increases transpiration from the shaded part of the #plant canopy. This contributes less to the total evaporative cooling.
Roughly ~30% temperature response is from this total evaporative cooling:
Instagram down: prime segnalazioni diffuse del disservizio | Risolto - HDblog.it #instagram #down #prime #segnalazioni #diffuse #disservizio #risolto #hdblogit #23giugno https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuaGRibG9nLml0L2FwcGxpY2F6aW9uaS9hcnRpY29saS9uNTU3ODE0L2luc3RhZ3JhbS1kb3duLXByb2JsZW1pLW5vbi1mdW56aW9uYS8=
#23giugno #hdblogit #risolto #disservizio #diffuse #segnalazioni #prime #down #instagram