🌱 Today’s #DailySutta:
DN 16 From… Mahāparinibbānasutta: The Great Discourse on the Buddha’s Extinguishment—The Mirror of the Dhamma
“I will teach you the explanation of the Dhamma called ‘the mirror of the teaching’…”
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#StreamEntry #DighaNikaya #Theravada #PaliCanon #RealBuddhaQuotes #Suttas #Dhamma #Buddhism #Buddha
#dailysutta #streamentry #dighanikaya #theravada #PaliCanon #realbuddhaquotes #suttas #dhamma #buddhism #buddha
🌱 Today’s #DailySutta:
From… DN 16 Mahāparinibbānasutta: The Great Discourse on the Buddha’s Extinguishment
“Then there was terror! Then they had goosebumps!…”
Read the sutta
📖 https://daily.readingfaithfully.org/from-dn-16-mahaparinibbanasutta-the-great-discourse-on-the-buddhas-extinguishment/?=MDS
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✉ https://daily.readingfaithfully.org?=MSUDS
#BrahmāSahampati #Parinibbana #Sakka #Ven.Anuruddha #DighaNikaya #Theravada #PaliCanon #RealBuddhaQuotes #Suttas #Dhamma #Buddhism #Buddha
#dailysutta #brahmasahampati #parinibbana #sakka #ven #dighanikaya #theravada #PaliCanon #realbuddhaquotes #suttas #dhamma #buddhism #buddha
🌱 Today’s #DailySutta:
DN 2 From… Sāmaññaphalasutta: The Fruits of the Ascetic Life
“And how, great king, is a mendicant accomplished in ethics?…”
Read the sutta: https://daily.readingfaithfully.org/dn-2-from-samannaphalasutta-the-fruits-of-the-ascetic-life/
#DivisiveSpeech #FalseSpeech #HarshSpeech #speech #UselessSpeech #virtue #DighaNikaya #Theravada #PaliCanon #RealBuddhaQuotes #Suttas #Dhamma #Buddhism #Buddha
#dailysutta #divisivespeech #falsespeech #harshspeech #speech #uselessspeech #virtue #dighanikaya #theravada #PaliCanon #realbuddhaquotes #suttas #dhamma #buddhism #buddha
🌱 Today’s #DailySutta:
DN 23 From… Pāyāsisutta: With Pāyāsi
“Don’t we who seek merit expect some result from the offering?…”
Read the sutta: https://daily.readingfaithfully.org/dn-23-from-payasisutta-with-payasi/
#giving #DighaNikaya #Theravada #PaliCanon #RealBuddhaQuotes #Suttas #Dhamma #Buddhism #Buddha
#dailysutta #giving #dighanikaya #theravada #PaliCanon #realbuddhaquotes #suttas #dhamma #buddhism #buddha
Another hidden gem in the #Theravada #Buddhist world is the website https://www.paliaudio.com
These are professionally made recordings of English translations of the #PaliSuttas. Most are of #BhikkhuSujato's translations. The entire #DighaNikaya and #MajjhimaNikaya are finished and they are working on the rest.
All for free! If you haven't been to the site before, check them out this weekend.
@earlybuddhisttexts #Buddhism #Buddha #Suttas #Dhamma #PaliCanon
#theravada #buddhist #palisuttas #bhikkhusujato #dighanikaya #majjhimanikaya #buddhism #buddha #suttas #dhamma #PaliCanon
“Putting down all barriers, let your mind be full of love. Let it pervade all the quarters of the world so that the whole wide world, above, below, and around, is pervaded with love. Let it be sublime and beyond measure so that it abounds everywhere.”
~ Dīgha Nikāya
may it be so.
#Love #DighaNikaya #NoBarriers #OpenHeart #BeyondMeasure #path #practice #JinpaLhaga #JMWart #art #calligraphy #BuddhistArt #ContemplativeArt
#love #dighanikaya #nobarriers #openheart #beyondmeasure #path #practice #jinpalhaga #jmwart #art #calligraphy #buddhistart #contemplativeart