Gerade den ersten Workshop der #DigHis23 geschafft: Agent-based Modeling für die #DigHist & #DH, gemeinsam mit @maltevogl , Bernardo Buarque, Aleks Kaye vom ModelSEN-Team MPIWG und vielen tollen Teilnehmerinnen! Danke für's Kommen & die spannenden Diskussionen!🙌
New Article! I explore the beginning of the Cold War and social democratic political culture through the tools of quantitative text analysis, specifically Topic Modeling #DigitalHumanities #dighist #coldwar #NLP #History #Histodons
#digitalhumanities #dighist #coldwar #nlp #history #histodons
[publication] Un nouveau chapitre pour le goût de l'archive à l'ère numérique!
« Du goût à la fièvre : réflexions autour des archives (nativement) numériques lesbiennes » par Léna Bouillard
#dighist #archives #histoire #archiveslesbiennes
Call for papers! Would you like to write about your experience in teaching digital history? We invite you to submit an abstract for our first open issue on the teaching of #dighist.
Co-edited by, and Emmanuel Ngué Um.
Call for papers! Would you like to write about your experience in teaching digital history? We invite you to submit an abstract for our first open issue on the teaching of #dighist.
Co-edited by, and Emmanuel Ngué Um.
Call for papers! Would you like to write about your experience in teaching digital history? We invite you to submit an abstract for our first open issue on the teaching of #dighist.
Co-edited by Amanda Madden, Silke Schwandt and Emmanuel Ngué Um.
@nvdbosch I agree, hashtags are quite useless here. I am particularly upset by the fact that there is no option to use boolean operators in search. Or at least a default AND. Thus there is no way to refine hashtags. If I'm interested in #rstats for #dighist my best option seems to be to search for these on the birdsite and then look if the most interesting are also over here. And then, an option to make lists public wouldn't be too bad.
Have you spent some time playing around with ChatGPT yet? It sure is smart, right?
It even knows that Programming Historian is a great resource for digital humanists 🤭😅
How much of a game changer do you think this technology is?
#dighist #dighum #dhist #twitterstorians
I have progressively built my very own writing environment -- based on RStudio with python code chunks (yes!), Zotero, reveal.js (for prez), and of course RMarkdown and synchronisation over GitHub.
And I am obviously less able to write an article if I have to get out of this writing environment -- because it's out of my confort zone.
Am I the only one who is disturbed as soon as they have to leave their very own writing environment (whatever software you use)?
«pratiques numériques discrètes et goût de l'archive» -- mon intervention cet après-midi à l'EHESS.
Dias dispos ici:
Digital Humanities and memory studies: PhD position
The C²DH is looking for doctoral candidates to work within the Doctoral Training Unit “Deep Data Science of Digital History” (D4H).
Within this framework, I am looking for a doctoral candidate who would be interested in using #digitalhistory methods in the field of memory studies.
If you wish to know more, please contact me here on mastodon or by email (
It's not so much so people can find me but so I can find the others I want to hear and learn from, a snapshot of a list that will be different in <24H:
#digblk #BlackDH #digitalhumanities #dighist #digitalhistory #diglib #digitallibraries #edtech #histed #histtech #senegal #football #soccer #LanguageTechnology
#digblk #blackdh #digitalhumanities #dighist #digitalhistory #diglib #digitallibraries #edtech #histed #histtech #senegal #football #soccer #LanguageTechnology
Parution de "Patrimoine et Humanités numériques", co-dirigé par Cécile Meynard, Thomas Lebarbé et Sandra Costa. #dh #dighist