Sketch commission for Justin, featuring his new warden OC!
this one shows him alerted to a bunch of shrunk explorers :3
#digial media #drawing #colored #anthro #warden #minecraft #teal #souls #dark #sculk #blind #pseudoeyes #glow #feet #belly #tongue #drippy #stomp #looming #imminent death #speech #danger #sole
#digial #drawing #colored #anthro #warden #minecraft #teal #souls #dark #sculk #blind #pseudoeyes #glow #feet #belly #tongue #drippy #stomp #looming #imminent #speech #danger #sole
Commission for Justin, featuring his new warden OC!
#digial media #drawing #colored #anthro #reference #warden #minecraft #teal #souls #dark #sculk #blind #pseudoeyes #glow #feet #belly #tongue #drippy #big #tall
#digial #drawing #colored #anthro #reference #warden #minecraft #teal #souls #dark #sculk #blind #pseudoeyes #glow #feet #belly #tongue #drippy #big #tall
Aplauso de peu escoltant a la Flora Partenio, de la Red de Feministas del Sur Global DAWN al Congrés d' #economia #digial #feminista #EcoFemBCN
Decolonizar internet para recuperar la sobirania de nuestros datos, nuestros cuerpos 💜
#economia #digial #feminista #ecofembcn
This month I read a book on a very hot topic: "Business of Platforms" by Michael Cusumano, Prof. Annabelle Gawer, and David B. Yoffie.
#book #bookreview #businessbook #business #management #businessmodel #strategy #digial #transformation #platform #market #innovation #exchange #transaction
#book #bookreview #businessbook #business #management #businessmodel #strategy #digial #transformation #platform #market #innovation #exchange #transaction
I got my license in December 2021. A motivation for it was to learn how to communicate when the regular stuff does no longer work.
So far, I have done some SOTA, and occasionally take part in some local rounds via repeater. I play with digital modes, HAMNET, AREDN and software defined radio.
Occasionally I write something on my blog at (English/Deutsch).
#introduction #emcomm #sota #digial #winlink #hamnet #aredn #sdr
#sdr #aredn #hamnet #winlink #digial #sota #emcomm #introduction