New toy arrived today...
QRP Labs QMX multiband CW and data modes transceiver, as designed by physicist Hans Summers.
I had previous kit from Hans' - QDX multiband data modes transceiver, and two QCX single-band transceivers for CW (morse). This new kit rolls all into one. I shall test this tomorrow with an end-fed half-wave antenna for 40-10m.
The electronics design of Hans' transceivers is elegant and minimal, and their performance excellent.
#amateurradio #hfradio #cw #digimodes #qrp
If you don't know (you might!) should show the local #APRS infrastructure.
Tried again, unsuccessfully, to get #FT8 to work on my #FT857 without sound coming from the speaker. Turning the volume down kills audio from the data port, as does unplugging the speaker. My audio interface, which worked fine with dataport audio, doesn't work with the external speaker jack... even though it works with an external speaker. Out of ideas. #digimode #digimodes
#digimodes #Digimode #ft857 #ft8
#FFWN #FediFridayWinlinkNet had 21 check-ins yesterday! 8 via HF, 9 via Telnet, 2 via VHF, 2 unspecified.
Thanks for the check-ins from:
@KO4ERE, @n4ejm, @dug, @R2AZE, @benjaminkelley, @f4ikh, @KC8JC, @kc2ihx, @kr1st, @W1CDN, @N1ZZZ, @AE4WX, @n6utc, @kd8bxp, @KJ7OMO, @dpogue, @M1VPN, @n9uxc, @k2za, @rebootkid, @mast4sc (DL2SFO)
Results for the question about #digimodes: 5 for AX.25/packet, 3 for #FT8, 3 for #JS8, 2 for #PSK31, 1 each for CW, FT4, #Hellschreiber, pactor, clover, C4FM, DMR
#ffwn #fedifridaywinlinknet #digimodes #ft8 #js8 #psk31 #hellschreiber
@kc2ihx As I said, #icomfanboy so went digging. I'd forgotten that Icom provided an adapter that broke out the 13-pin ACC into an 8-pin ACC(1) and 7-pin ACC(2) so that if you already had everything set up for the old style, it was plug/play.
But the new stuff is USB and OMG is my 705 easier to set up! :-D
@kc2ihx And then for my IC-910H, which has MAIN & SUB receivers, I used a more upscale USB audio adapter that pulls left and right to RCAs but otherwise like the other one ... but used the 6-pin Mini-DIN "DATA" ports. Those ports are way underused on pre-USB radios. See below:
Hans G0UPL from QRP Labs is talking about the new #QMX #qrp radio with #cw, #ssb and #digimodes. Sounds like an ideal #SummitsOnTheAir or #ParksOnTheAir portable radio. Iβm currently waiting for my kit to arrive by mail and will post here about the build process. #hamradio #pota #sota
#qmx #qrp #cw #ssb #digimodes #summitsontheair #parksontheair #hamradio #pota #sota
Redoing my #introductions post since there's a lot of you again:
I'm a #general class ham in the Washington DC area. I mostly work #HF. I the worst mic shyness on the planet so I tend to stick to #digimodes; sometimes I go outside at obscene hours to wave my #yagi around & talk through a #satellite. I try to do the weekly #hellschreiber & #winlink (#FFWN) nets, & you should too! If you're a #QRZ member from #Vermont let's set up a #sked because you're the last state I need for that #WAS award.
#was #sked #vermont #QRZ #ffwn #winlink #hellschreiber #satellite #yagi #digimodes #hf #general #introductions
I just spent 10 minutes typing out my ideal #cyberdeck / tablet / blackberry / pocket PC that can interface with my #HF radio for #digimodes until I realized I described the crappy Eee #netbook that's been rotting in the bottom of my electronics drawer.
The only thing that would improve it is if I could upgrade the processor somehow because it's struggling with even a lightweight linux install.
#netbook #digimodes #hf #cyberdeck
@N4JAW I've been doing #RTTY for ever & so was all set up, but it wasn't until a local ham decided to relay some near-live astronomy imagery over #SSTV on the local repeater from a star party back in Jan '19 that I *finally* did something that wasn't RTTY (used MMSSTV in place of MMTTY, come to think of it) ... & that got me going on #FT8 ... & I managed WAS on 30-m FT8 in the next 30 days. Been pretty hooked ever since! π
#digimodes #hamr #ft8 #sstv #rtty
Ah, the long-forgotten, sort-of standard, 6-pin mini-DIN "DATA" port ...
@n0rc SInce the beginning of the Morse code (wire telegraph), a "LID" was a bad op.
Having a portion of the traditional #cw sub-band replaced by a "LID" mode QSO...
Is it a sign of times ?π€
#digimodes #amateurradio #radioamteurs #hamradio #cw
@dj3ei @ku0hn All I need from a field computer is #digimodes I log and keep notes by paper still. I don't always go digital but sometimes I feel the need to carry one if I got bored from SSB or want to discover digital spaces.
This month's "JS8 QSO Party" has begun. See
While the CB band isn't mentioned in the announcement, there's no reason not to join in on 11m as well. I finally got my Albrecht AE5890EU rig to transmit via JS8call and will be on air as 13RF4077 from Germany
TIAMS 198 captured with a KiwiSDR in Athens, GA USA. Morgan City, LA USA WA5107SWL
#shortwave #swl #digimodes #mfsk #tiams
After a bit of messing about, I've managed to get my #Yaesu #ft981 working with #wsjtx through #hamradiodeluxe via the #scu17 interface. I've also got #log4om working alongside this configuration with #gridtracker
#HF #amateurradio #hamradiooperator #hamradio #digimodes #ft8
#yaesu #ft981 #WSJTX #hamradiodeluxe #scu17 #log4om #GridTracker #hf #amateurradio #hamradiooperator #hamradio #digimodes #ft8
Starting to play with #APRS. Some pictures from a ISS pass from yesterday.
#amateurradio #iss #AnyTone878 #digimodes #aprs
Hello #followfriday! I'm KO4ERE in beautiful and idyllic FM18ku! I'm a #general working on my #extra license, and aside from #hamradio I enjoy #retrocomputing #ANSIart #photography #spaceweather (obviously) #space and #scifi stuff.
#ham wise I work #satellites and #digimodes like #ft8 and #js8call, I am #micshy so I don't work #phone much. If you live in #vermont I want to work you so I can complete my #workedallstates award and hang that sweet #WAS plaque in my #hamshack. #73
#hamshack #was #WorkedAllStates #vermont #phone #MicShy #js8call #ft8 #digimodes #satellites #ham #scifi #space #spaceweather #photography #ansiart #retrocomputing #hamradio #extra #general #followfriday