RT @Siplick
My second and last piece for the Digimon Illustration Competition - Veemon and the Digi-Egg of Courage! 🔥🌿
#digimoncon #デジモンコン #digimontcg
RT @Siplick
My SymbareAngoramon piece for the Digimon Illustration Competition, featuring Gurimon and Puyoyomon 💚 Done using markers + pencils
This was both a joy and a challenge to make and I'm very proud of the result! Enjoy!
#digimoncon #デジモンコン #digimontcg
Oooh #DigimonCon announced Digimon Seekers and it looks great. There will be a #WebNovel in #Japanese, #English and #Chinese.
There’s a new #BEMemory for the #VitalBraceletBE that has the new wolf digimon as well as a new band (not a new #VitalBracelet just a band). YAAY new #Digimon
#digimon #VitalBracelet #vitalbraceletbe #bememory #chinese #english #japanese #webnovel #digimoncon
RT @digimonweb_net@twitter.com
Digimon Illustration Comp. 2023
Theme: "Scene of Digimon’s Unique Personality or Characteristics"
Win a cash prize & feature in the Digimon Card Game!
Entry deadline: 16 Jan, 12pm (JST)
Prelim results announced at Digimon Con (12 Feb)
#Digimon #digimoncon
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/digimonweb_net/status/1604653928011812865
Bandai Namco hat die #DigimonCon 2023 angekündigt! Am 12. Februar wird die Veranstaltung um 2 Uhr nachts mit einem Livestream beginnen, den ihr bei YouTube verfolgen könnt. https://jpgames.de/2022/12/bandai-namco-kuendigt-digimon-con-2023-fuer-februar-an/