ShadowBanned on a for talking about and being against wars, 's, and speaking up against Australia's abusive system.

We support a , a Maximum Rental Income capped at the unemployment rate, and are *really* anti-fascist (ie. against the melding of govt and big business).

We came up with the word to describe the (hint: the 'E' is the reason you left ).

We also do design.

#introduction #dotcon #julianassange #regimechange #coupdetat #immigration #ubi #democracy #cageFam #digitalFascists #TurdSite

Last updated 3 years ago


That SpaceX/#memecoin-pushing entity that has ready access to the just bought flipping .

Can we ask what day you adopted the term, '' to describe the ? (hint: the 'E' is for the '' that bought Turdsite).

#moneyPump #TurdSite #cageFam #digitalFascists #Entity #twitter #elonmusk

Last updated 3 years ago