Announcing our new Race and Tech Fellows - Digital Civil Society Lab
#race #tech #stanford #digitalcivilsociety #fellows
This is always my favorite announcement of the year - 2023 Practitioner Fellows announced for DCSL/CCSRE Race and Tech
#stanford #fellows #digitalcivilsociety #race #tech
Coming on December 15 - the 14th annual Blueprint on Philanthropy and Digital Civil Society - with links to free copies
#philanthropy #nonprofits #digitalcivilsociety #predictions #buzzwords #future
#philanthropy #nonprofits #digitalcivilsociety #predictions #buzzwords #future
Coming on December 15 - Blueprint 2023
#philanthroy #digitalcivilsociety #nonprofits #predictions #buzzwords
#philanthroy #digitalcivilsociety #nonprofits #predictions #buzzwords
On December 15th we'll drop the 14th annual Blueprint on Philanthropy and Digital Civil Society - #Blueprint23. For most of those years we held a chat on the bird site after the drop. Anyone want to join that over here? If so, look for #Blueprint23.
#Blueprint23 #Blueprint2023 #philanthropy #DigitalCivilSociety
#blueprint23 #blueprint2023 #philanthropy #digitalcivilsociety
I'm still looking for my people from the other place - anyone who can boost so I can find:
#nonprofit #civilsociety #digitalcivilsociety #civictech #democracy #antiracism #liberation
#philanthropy #nonprofit #civilsociety #digitalcivilsociety #civictech #democracy #antiracism #liberation
For everyone who follows me from the bird site - the Blueprint 2023 has gone off to layout. In it, i predicted collapse of twitter in 2023. Looks like I got that one wrong, might be much sooner than that. Full Blueprint drops mid-December - 14th annual
#blueprint2023 #philanthropy #digitalcivilsociety #twitter
I appreciate the earned wisdom of this post about communities caring for each other; white flight from digital spaces; and not equating open source with safety. From @caro
#digitalcivilsociety #safety #learnfromhistory #mastodon #twitter
#digitalcivilsociety #safety #LearnFromHistory #mastodon #twitter
I very much appreciate the posts on here that are informed by internet history. #Mastodon and #fediverse are new to many of us, but there is precedent for the experience of independent systems that get found by those fleeing commercial systems, #federation history, lots of examples of things going lots of ways. Pay attention to this moment - it's transitional - and many previous transitions didn't work out the way they looked in the beginning
#mastodon #fediverse #federation #learning #digitalcivilsociety
This is one of the times, when being quoted in the press, that I hope I am wrong.
#twitter #elections #musk #digitalcivilsociety #democracy
My latest blog on what the chaos at the bird site opens up for #digitalcivilsociety
#digitalcivilsociety #elections #nonprofits #community
@mikarv @elipariser Thanks for these resources on content moderation and decentralized web. has anyone built a zotero library of them yet? #fediverse #digitalcivilsociety #scholars
#fediverse #digitalcivilsociety #scholars
We’re living history in so far as digital civil society is concerned, even if his own behavior is more responsible for his advertisers fleeing. #digitalcivilsociety There’s hope for so much better
It's fun to start seeing names and faces I recognize over here. And new instances (Congrats @TimnitGebru - i see several folks on a DAIR instance!) So, #scholars, who has already done great work on the #fediverse and who is set to do so? Want to learn from them ASAP for all things #digitalcivilsociety
#scholars #fediverse #digitalcivilsociety