How #Copyleft licenses (like the #GPL) and #LibreSoftware aka #FOSS aka #FreeSoftware can help us all avoid #DigitalColonisation by proprietary US Big Tech & protect our #DigitalSovereignty via the founder of #NextCloud We need to break the cycle we're currently in. It's expensive, disempowering, & *brittle*. And it's unfit for purpose.
#copyleft #gpl #libresoftware #foss #freesoftware #digitalcolonisation #digitalsovereignty #nextcloud
@joncounts I appreciate that, Jon, thanks. And yes. I reckon we could easily save a $billion/year on gov't IT expenditure alone, and much more beside by private industry... and be in control of our own data and digital destiny... at present we've got this:
- and
- and, in education
- #digitalColonisation #lockIn #dataHeldHostage
#digitalcolonisation #lockin #dataheldhostage