Aaron Brady · @insom
510 followers · 2262 posts · Server tiny.tilde.website

Being a good digital citizen is looking up how to use spoiler tags in Discord so you can reference the term "hucow erotica" without immediately ruining unsuspecting people's day.

(They have to click on the tag to ruin their day instead)


Last updated 2 years ago

Lauren Hug · @laurenhug
73 followers · 189 posts · Server mastodon.sdf.org

Digital media expands our world. When we choose to share ourselves online (on our own terms), like-minded people are drawn to us. Things that turn some people off are exactly what make others interested in our perspectives and experiences.

#connection #beinghuman #digitalcommunity #reallife #heretolearn

Last updated 2 years ago

Erik Severson · @eseverso
8 followers · 8 posts · Server mstdn.social

Does anyone know of a server? Would be cool to have a little for all of us

#digitalcommunity #politicaltheory

Last updated 2 years ago

Lauren Hug · @laurenhug
58 followers · 119 posts · Server mastodon.sdf.org

“They’ve been a family that I didn’t know I could ever have,” Perrin shares. “I never thought that my life would be so changed for the positive when I saw some movie about blue space aliens.”

: one reason I think the positives of social media far outweigh the negatives.



Last updated 2 years ago

Nicole Amelia · @Nicsym
97 followers · 127 posts · Server zirk.us


Somehow amongst all the discussions of content warnings on Mastodon and the tendancy to look away from uncomfortable posts on Mastodon, and to ask minorities to cover up their pain, Stephanie Dowrick's discussion of a tolerant culture v's an apathetic one, and definition of tolerance as a loving virtue struck itself as relevant to me.

#community #MastodonCommunity #digitalcommunity

Last updated 2 years ago

Ilyaz Nasrullah · @ilyaz
854 followers · 442 posts · Server mastodon.social

1/ Some thoughts about the , and communities and . I wasn't a part of these communities, but have had an interest in them for various reasons.

These (digital) communities have been struggling with their dependency on Twitter since Musk took over. I've seen sentiments ranging from just wondering what's going to happen next to doom and gloom predictions for the community if Twitter goes down. But why?

#academictwitter #osint #blacktwitter #twittermigration #community #digitalcommunity

Last updated 2 years ago

Lillian Clark · @lillianjclark
17 followers · 11 posts · Server mas.to

The thing about Twitter (or all social media) that Musk seems incapable of understanding, both as a boss and owner, is that the people are the point. It’s a community. You aren’t selling products, you’re managing a digital meeting place. Sure, with ads plastered on the walls and news headlines scrolling across chyrons, but without the people it’s just an empty, collapsing space.

The people are the point.

#digitalcommunity #socialmedia #Twitter

Last updated 2 years ago

Lillian Clark · @lillianjclark
28 followers · 16 posts · Server mas.to

The thing about Twitter (or all social media) that Musk seems incapable of understanding, both as a boss and owner, is that the people are the point. It’s a community. You aren’t selling products, you’re managing a digital meeting place. Sure, with ads plastered on the walls and news headlines scrolling across chyrons, but without the people it’s just an empty, collapsing space.

The people are the point.

#digitalcommunity #socialmedia #Twitter

Last updated 2 years ago