Surge in Digital Asset Management: Study Shows Nearly 50% of Asset Managers Now Handle Crypto - Close to half of asset managers currently have digital assets under management, ac... - #exchange-tradedproducts #institutionalinvestors #tokenizedsecurities #coalitiongreenwich #adoptionsentiment #digitalcurrencies #marketopportunity #cryptostrategies #cryptocurrencies #finance
#finance #cryptocurrencies #cryptostrategies #marketopportunity #digitalcurrencies #adoptionsentiment #coalitiongreenwich #tokenizedsecurities #institutionalinvestors #exchange
PYUSD’s Modest Footprint: A Tale of Languid Activity Amidst Stablecoin Titans - Following Paypal’s declaration about the introduction of a fresh stablecoin, the s... - #activitycomparison #dollar-peggedtoken #digitalcurrencies #emergingcontender #growthtrajectory #stablecoingiants #cryptolandscape #digitalfinance. #financialmarket #marketinfluence #marketvaluation #paypalsventure
#paypalsventure #marketvaluation #marketinfluence #financialmarket #digitalfinance #cryptolandscape #stablecoingiants #growthtrajectory #emergingcontender #digitalcurrencies #Dollar #activitycomparison
Bybit Announces ‘Imminent’ Listing of Paypal’s PYUSD Stablecoin - According to the crypto exchange Bybit, the trading platform plans to list Paypal’... - #traditionalcurrencies #blockchaintechnology #strategicimportance #regulatoryapproach #digitalcurrencies #paxostrustcompany #paypalstablecoin #bitcoin.comnews #cost-efficiency #digitalcurrency #cryptocurrency #globalpayments #paxostreasury #bybit
#bybit #paxostreasury #globalpayments #cryptocurrency #digitalcurrency #cost #bitcoin #paypalstablecoin #paxostrustcompany #digitalcurrencies #regulatoryapproach #strategicimportance #blockchaintechnology #traditionalcurrencies
Ledger Taps Paypal for US Crypto Buys - Crypto security firm and hardware wallet manufacturer, Ledger, announced its integ... - #digitalcurrencies #assetinnovation #cryptopurchases #kycverification #pascalgauthier #paypalpayments #paymentmethod #u.s.customers #ledgerpaypal #bitcoincash #integration #ledgerlive #stablecoin #chairman #ethereum #litecoin #bitcoin #ledger #paypal #news #bch #btc #ceo #eth #ltc
#ltc #eth #ceo #btc #bch #news #paypal #ledger #bitcoin #litecoin #ethereum #chairman #stablecoin #ledgerlive #integration #bitcoincash #ledgerpaypal #u #paymentmethod #paypalpayments #pascalgauthier #kycverification #cryptopurchases #assetinnovation #digitalcurrencies
Paypal Pauses UK Crypto Purchases Amid Regulatory Changes; Assures Resumption in Early 2024 - In recent communications to its U.K. clientele, Paypal has announced a temporary s... - #financialconductauthority #digitalcurrencies #cryptocurrency #digitalpayment #inconvenience #paymentsgiant #transactions #regulations #compliance #regulators #resumption #stablecoin #suspension
#suspension #stablecoin #resumption #regulators #compliance #regulations #transactions #paymentsgiant #inconvenience #digitalpayment #cryptocurrency #digitalcurrencies #financialconductauthority
Revolutionizing Bitcoin Privacy: Samourai Wallet Unveils BTC to XMR Atomic Swaps - In a pioneering move, Samourai, the privacy-focused bitcoin wallet, has revealed a... - #anonymity-enhancingtools #blockchainmonitoring #whirlpoolcoinjoins #digitalcurrencies #privacy-oriented #cryptocurrency #samouraiwallet #taintedchange #atomicswaps #coinshuffle #taintchange #cashfusion #mysuwallet
#mysuwallet #cashfusion #taintchange #coinshuffle #atomicswaps #taintedchange #samouraiwallet #cryptocurrency #privacy #digitalcurrencies #whirlpoolcoinjoins #blockchainmonitoring #anonymity
BRICS Is No Joke, Bloc Could Become G7 Counterpart, Experts Say - The BRICS challenge to the world’s established economic order is not a joke, accor... - #internationalrelations #internationalaffairs #digitalcurrencies #de-dollarization #organization #counterpart #enlargement #settlements #southafrica #currencies #dependence #u.s.dollar #expansion #payments #economy #finance #dollar #summit #news
#news #summit #Dollar #finance #economy #payments #expansion #u #dependence #currencies #southafrica #settlements #enlargement #counterpart #organization #de #digitalcurrencies #internationalaffairs #internationalrelations
Russia Recognizes Digital Currencies of Other Nations - The Russian government has legally recognized digital currencies issued by other n... - #digitalcurrencies #cryptocurrencies #digitalcurrency #cryptocurrency #digitalruble #legislation #recognition #finance #russian #crypto #russia #law
#law #russia #crypto #russian #finance #recognition #legislation #digitalruble #cryptocurrency #digitalcurrency #cryptocurrencies #digitalcurrencies
Central Banks Controlling Money Is Not Democracy, Balaji Srinivasan Says - If central banks control all uses of money, this is not democracy, Coinbase’s ex-t... - #digitalcurrencies #balajisrinivasan #cryptoexchange #centralbanks #centralbank #techofficer #srinivasan #coinbase #exchange #cbdcs #money #news #cbdc #uses #bis #imf
#imf #bis #uses #cbdc #news #money #cbdcs #exchange #coinbase #srinivasan #techofficer #centralbank #centralbanks #cryptoexchange #balajisrinivasan #digitalcurrencies
Saxo Bank Ordered to Liquidate Its Portfolio of Crypto Assets by Danish Financial Regulator - According to a July 4, 2023 press release from the Danish Financial Supervisory Au... - #danishfinancialsupervisoryauthority #cryptoexchange-tradedproducts #cryptocurrencyassets #financialbusinessact #financialregulator #financialstability #unregulatedtrading #digitalcurrencies
#digitalcurrencies #unregulatedtrading #financialstability #financialregulator #financialbusinessact #cryptocurrencyassets #cryptoexchange #danishfinancialsupervisoryauthority
Litecoin Surges in Value Amidst EDX Listing and Imminent Reward Halving, Enters Top Ten Rankings - During the past fortnight, the crypto asset litecoin (LTC) has surged over 40% aga... - #blockrewardsubsidy #digitalcurrencies #globaltradevolume #marketvaluation #cryptoexchange #litecoinprice #priceincrease #rewardhalving #cryptoasset #ltcactivity #toptenranks #altcoins
#altcoins #toptenranks #ltcactivity #cryptoasset #rewardhalving #priceincrease #litecoinprice #cryptoexchange #marketvaluation #globaltradevolume #digitalcurrencies #blockrewardsubsidy
Global platform for #CBDCs will supposedly make international #financialtransactions using #DigitalCurrencies easier #CurrencyReset
#CBDCs #financialtransactions #digitalcurrencies #currencyreset
Russia to Trial Digital Asset Settlements in Foreign Trade - Bank of Russia plans to pilot cross-border payments using digital assets and centr... - #internationalsettlements #digitalfinancialassets #cross-borderpayments #digitalcurrencies #cryptocurrencies #cryptocurrency #digitalassets #cryptoassets #foreigntrade #centralbank #settlements #experiment #payments #finance #russian #crypto #russia #cbdcs
#cbdcs #russia #crypto #russian #finance #payments #experiment #settlements #centralbank #foreigntrade #cryptoassets #digitalassets #cryptocurrency #cryptocurrencies #digitalcurrencies #cross #digitalfinancialassets #internationalsettlements
Bitcoin Dominance Soars to 47.5%: Highest Level in a Year as Other Crypto Assets Suffer - On June 10, 2023, bitcoin is dominating with a market capitalization dominance of ... - #marketcapitalization #digitalcurrencies #bitcoindominance #marketdominance #cryptocurrency #marketupdates #bitcoin(btc) #btcdominance #cryptoassets #stablecoin #valuation #valueloss #ethereum #bitcoin
#ethereum #valueloss #valuation #stablecoin #cryptoassets #btcdominance #bitcoin #marketupdates #cryptocurrency #marketdominance #bitcoindominance #digitalcurrencies #marketcapitalization
SEC Chair Gensler Rebuts Claims Crypto Exchanges Lacked ‘Fair Notice,’ Affirms ‘Majority’ of Tokens Are Securities - U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Chair Gary Gensler discussed crypto exchan... - #investmentcontracttest #cryptoassetsecurities #genslercryptotokens #investorprotection #marketparticipants #digitalcurrencies #regulatoryactions #sec
#sec #regulatoryactions #digitalcurrencies #marketparticipants #investorprotection #genslercryptotokens #cryptoassetsecurities #investmentcontracttest
SEC Chairman Gensler Stresses Existing Fiat Digital Currencies Are Sufficient Amid Coinbase and Binance Actions - In the aftermath of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) enforcemen... - #digitalinvestments #enforcementactions #digitalcurrencies #cryptolawsuits #garygenslersec #conversation #garygensler #seccoinbase #genslersec #sec
#sec #genslersec #seccoinbase #garygensler #conversation #garygenslersec #cryptolawsuits #digitalcurrencies #enforcementactions #digitalinvestments
Dogecoin’s Transaction Surge Surpasses Bitcoin and Ethereum With 2 Million Transactions Settled in 24 Hours - The Dogecoin blockchain has witnessed a significant surge in transaction activity ... - #2milliontransactions #drc20tokenstandard #digitalcurrencies #dogecoinhashrate #transactionsurge #dogecoinnetwork #record-breaking #cryptocurrency #drc20economy
#drc20economy #cryptocurrency #record #dogecoinnetwork #transactionsurge #dogecoinhashrate #digitalcurrencies #drc20tokenstandard #2milliontransactions
EAEU Official Urges BRICS and SCO for Joint Use of Digital Currencies, New Payment Card - Three integration unions with Russian participation, BRICS, SCO, and the EAEU, sho... - #internationalsettlements #chinapaymentsystem #nationalcurrencies #digitalcurrencies #de-dollarization #centralasia #paymentcard #settlements #payments #finance #russia #brics #card #eaeu #sco
#sco #eaeu #card #brics #russia #finance #payments #settlements #paymentcard #centralasia #de #digitalcurrencies #nationalcurrencies #chinapaymentsystem #internationalsettlements
#Africa #Nigeria #DigitalCurrencies #eNaira: "Nearly 18 months on, however, eNaira has failed to achieve any of those goals. In fact, digital currency users in Nigeria are now questioning why it even exists.
“The eNaira isn’t as sophisticated, independent, and flexible as the regular cryptocurrencies,” Abdulrahman Akanni, a crypto user, told Rest of World. “It couldn’t compete, and so, was dead on arrival. A layman’s analogy will be the government asking me to drive a 2000 Corolla and abandon the latest model of Mercedes-Benz that I can afford. That is just not possible.”
As of October 2022, fewer than 1.15 million Nigerians, or roughly under 0.5% of the country’s population, had used eNaira, according to Bloomberg. Earlier this month, officials from the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) told reporters that only about 1.4 million transactions had been conducted on the eNaira platform since its inception."
#africa #nigeria #digitalcurrencies #enaira
When pizza became the unsung hero of Bitcoin’s history: A cheesy celebration - Join the cheesy celebration and learn how Bitcoin Pizza Day shape... - #digitalcurrencies #cheesycelebration #bitcoin’shistory #pizzatransaction #bitcoinpizzaday
#bitcoinpizzaday #pizzatransaction #bitcoin #cheesycelebration #digitalcurrencies