On my way to #ica23 with a stopover in Reykjavik, Iceland. Left the hot summer in Norway (Yes it is true) to travel north, much colder already. 🥶Starting off with preconference on #digitaldisconnection before presenting on #sustainability in media policy, soft #activism and #postdigital artefacts. Looking forward to meet and learn!
#ica23 #digitaldisconnection #sustainability #activism #postdigital
Our network on #digitaldisconnection runs seminars and conferences. Wed18 the topic is political paradoxes and regulation with speakers Niall Docherty and Gunn Enli. Seminars open to all #commodon #mediastudies https://www.hf.uio.no/imk/english/research/projects/digital-disconnection/events/
#digitaldisconnection #commodon #mediastudies
Welcome to Mastodon, @trinesy ! #commodon #MediaStudies #DigitalDisconnection
#digitaldisconnection #MediaStudies #commodon
Og nu er #migrationen vel overstået. Det er ret gennemtænkt det hele. Ny #introduktion: Jeg har en forkærlighed for at poste uddrag af det jeg læser - #teknologifilosofi #digitaldisconnection #økorealistisk IT #analogisering #STS #postdigital. Skriver i mindre grad om #skole og #dannelse, men nok til at få lov til at bo her.
#migrationen #introduktion #teknologifilosofi #digitaldisconnection #okorealistisk #analogisering #sts #postdigital #skole #dannelse
Og nu er #migrationen vel overstået. Det er ret gennemtænkt det hele. Jeg har en tendens til at poste uddrag af det jeg læser - #teknologifilosofi #digitaldisconnection #økorealistisk IT #analogisering #STS #postdigital. Skriver kun i mindre grad om #skole og #dannelse, men nok til at få lov til at bo her.
#migrationen #teknologifilosofi #digitaldisconnection #okorealistisk #analogisering #sts #postdigital #skole #dannelse
This article was online first last year, but is now also out in an issue of Information, Communication & Society: Faltin Karlsen and I draw on domestication theory and more to analyze how knowledge workers experience digital media as helpful and hindering to creativity and focus. We highlight normative negotiations, boundary work and ambivalence. #DigitalDisconnection #commodon #OpenAccess https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/1369118X.2021.1933561
#openaccess #commodon #digitaldisconnection