12 END) I MAY end up using this app but I am certainly NOT going to be an early adopter. I am gonna see how it goes for Black people using #digitaldriverslicenses before I buy in
11) On the other hand -BECAUSE the DMV is insecure I could see #AfricanAmericans wanting to download the app and associate their #biometric data with their ID before a scammer using a fake ID with their name and birthday downloaded the app and used THEIR OWN biometric data to associate the #digitaldriverslicenses with themselves. The incentive to do this is high since California started demanding new licenses applicants to prove citizenship in 1994 https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1994-03-02-mn-28981-story.html
#africanamericans #biometric #digitaldriverslicenses
8) In addition, after that 2020 #MotherBoard investigative piece showing that California DMV sells biometric data, including data used for facial recognition, to private companies, I have NO confidence about how any #biometric data I upload for the purposes of a #digitaldriverslicenses will be used . https://www.vice.com/en/article/evjekz/the-california-dmv-is-making-dollar50m-a-year-selling-drivers-personal-information
#motherboard #biometric #digitaldriverslicenses
7) The idea that I could be walking around my own city minding my business and a cop could force me to use biometric data to reveal my #digitaldriverslicenses is no less disturbing to me. For that reason while I think the tech is cool I am skeptical that I myself will use it.
THREAD As an #AfricanAmerican I am VERY skeptical about California's new #digitaldriverslicenses . To open the app and show one's DL the DL holder must input biometric data into the phone. At this point I don't know if that data is uploaded to a DMV server. I have a NUMBER of reservations about this @pluralistic @BlackAzizAnansi
#AfricanAmerican #digitaldriverslicenses
WA residents: Sign in CON on #DigitalDriversLicenses SB 5105
SB 5105 requires Washington's Department of Licensing (DOL) to deploy a digital driver's license system by September 2024.
ACLU's "Identity Crisis What Digital Driver’s Licenses Could Mean for Privacy, Equity, and Freedom" describes some of the potential pitfalls
La Resistencia opposes this bill
Sign in CON at
Deadline: 3:00 pm Monday 1/23
#digitaldriverslicenses #waleg #privacy
Washington residents: sign in to upcoming hearings on privacy!
#waleg allows people to "sign in" to a hearing to note their position for the record. Here's three upcoming privacy opportunities -- see the thread for more details
Sign in PRO for #ShieldLaw (SB 5489) https://app.leg.wa.gov/csi/Testifier/Add?chamber=senate&mId=30449&aId=149874&caId=20735&tId=3
Sign in PRO for #MyBodyMyData (HB 1155) https://app.leg.wa.gov/csi/Testifier/Add?chamber=house&mId=30497&aId=149780&caId=20621&tId=3
Sign in CON for #DigitalDriversLicenses (SB 5105) https://app.leg.wa.gov/csi/Testifier/Add?chamber=senate&mId=30468&aId=149672&caId=20516&tId=3
If you've never signed in before see the last reply for info. 1/5
#waleg #shieldlaw #mybodymydata #digitaldriverslicenses