#FollowtheMoney beim Markt für nützliches Wissen und Nicht-Wissen am 16.9. im FrankfurtLAB: https://zevedi.de/performance-follow-the-money/
Auch Expert:innen der Europäischen Zentralbank stehen für Einzelgespräche zur Verfügung: Katrin Assenmacher u.a. zu Inflation und Sebastian Siepen zum #digitalEuro.
Digital Euro Conspiracy Theories and Privacy Concerns Put EU Central Bankers in the Hot Seat - Officials promise privacy controls for the possible new CBDC, but are less clear how to r... - https://www.coindesk.com/policy/2023/09/11/digital-euro-conspiracy-theories-privacy-concerns-put-eu-central-bankers-in-the-hot-seat/?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=rss&utm_campaign=headlines #news_analysis #regulations #digitaleuro #policy #cbdc #eu
#eu #cbdc #policy #digitaleuro #regulations #news_analysis
EU Commissioner Wants Digital Euro Project To Be Approached After Next European Commission In 2024 - Mairead McGuinness, European Commissioner for Financial Stability, Financial Services and... - https://cryptonews.com/news/eu-commissioner-wants-digital-euro-project-approached-after-next-european-commission-2024.htm #blockchainnews #digitaleuro #parliament #cbdc #eu
#eu #cbdc #parliament #digitaleuro #blockchainnews
EU Parliament risks missing the point on Digital Euro https://www.euractiv.com/section/economy-jobs/news/eu-parliament-risks-missing-the-point-on-digital-euro/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #DigitalEuro #EconomyBrief
ECB Official Shares Digital Euro Progress, Concerns Over Paypal’s Stablecoin - European Central Bank (ECB) executive board member Fabio Panetta has warned about ... - https://news.bitcoin.com/ecb-official-shares-digital-euro-progress-concerns-over-paypals-stablecoin/ #ecbpaypalstablecoins #paypalstablecoin #ecbdigitaleuro #fabiopanetta #digitaleuro #stablecoins #regulation #paypal #ecb
#ecb #paypal #regulation #stablecoins #digitaleuro #fabiopanetta #ecbdigitaleuro #paypalstablecoin #ecbpaypalstablecoins
Digital Euro as currently planned is ‘bound to fail’, warns economist https://www.euractiv.com/section/economy-jobs/news/digital-euro-as-currently-planned-is-bound-to-fail-warns-economist/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #CBDC #DigitalEuro #DirkNiepelt #financialstability #holdinglimits
#cbdc #digitaleuro #dirkniepelt #FinancialStability #holdinglimits
European Parliament sceptical of Digital Euro https://www.euractiv.com/section/economy-jobs/news/european-parliament-sceptical-of-digital-euro/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #DigitalEuro #FabioPanetta #Monetarypolicy #monetarysovereignty
#digitaleuro #fabiopanetta #monetarypolicy #monetarysovereignty
ECB Praises European Commission’s Digital Euro Proposal as Key to Competing With the Private Sector - In a speech to the European Parliament's Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs on Se... - https://cryptonews.com/news/ecb-praises-european-commissions-digital-euro-proposal-as-key-competing-with-private-sector.htm #europeancentralbank #europeancommission #blockchainnews #digitaleuro
#digitaleuro #blockchainnews #europeancommission #europeancentralbank
Countering Fraud in a Cashless Age: Tamas Kadar, CEO of fincrime specialist SEON on #DigitalEuro’s Security Challenges
#CyberSecurity #CBDC #Payments #PayTech #FinTech #FinServ #Banking
#banking #finserv #fintech #paytech #payments #cbdc #cybersecurity #digitaleuro
Controversial Digital Euro Plan to Be Led by Architect of Landmark MiCA Crypto Law - The center-right lawmaker previously negotiated the landmark MiCA crypto law for the Euro... - https://www.coindesk.com/policy/2023/08/30/controversial-digital-euro-plan-to-be-led-by-architect-of-landmark-mica-crypto-law/?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=rss&utm_campaign=headlines #regulations #digitaleuro #policy #news #cbdc #eu
#eu #cbdc #news #policy #digitaleuro #regulations
Digitaler Euro: Deutsche Kreditwirtschaft befürchtet Konkurrenz und Missbrauch | heise online https://www.heise.de/news/Digitaler-Euro-Deutsche-Kreditwirtschaft-befuerchtet-Konkurrenz-und-Missbrauch-9245311.html #ElectronicCash #DigitalEuro
@MorpheusB @bsi @verbraucherzentrale @BaFin
"Personally I think the "#DigitalEuro" will be a massive #downgrade compared to established payment systems (#SEPA, #girocard, #maestro)
Espechally since it only has disadvantages for consumers.
I hope Consumer Protection Agency takes a closer look (at that), whilst I'd wosh for #BaFin to accept #Monero :monero: as payment provider since complance with bookkeeping laws isn't that hard to facilitate with it."
#notfinancialadvice #notlegaladvice #monero #bafin #maestro #girocard #sepa #Downgrade #digitaleuro
Unser Podcast #Digitalgelddickicht startet mit einer Staffel zum #digitalEuro. In der 1. Folge wird die Fage diskutiert: „Digitaler Euro – unser zweites Bargeld?“ Dazu geben Expert:innen aus Wissenschaft & Zivilgesellschaft Auskunft.
In der 2. Folge geht es um „#CBDC und Bezahlen im Netz“.
Wir sprechen über private & öffentliche Infrastrukturen; die USA & China: Welche Rolle spielt digitales Zentralbankgeld global?
Hier und bei einschlägigen Plattformen verfügbar: https://zevedi.de/digitalgelddickicht/
#cbdc #digitaleuro #digitalgelddickicht
https://www.politik-digital.de informiert über #Digitalpolitik-Themen u.a. mit visuellen Formaten. Die Redaktion hat sich auch dem #DigitalEuro angenommen und verweist dabei auf unser Blog unter https://zevedi.de/efin-blog/. Siehe etwa die Kacheln bei Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/CvF72frvI5p/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==.
CBDC: Preliminary assessment of Digital Euro
"Unfortunately, the content of this regulation is disturbing. Let's start with the fact that reconciling the very idea of "decentralization of payments" and "central bank" (centralized by definition) is absurd. "
#cbdc #digitaleuro #cryptocurrency #euro
Sollte mit dem vorgelegten Verordnungsentwurf zum #digitalEuro nicht auch die Vermittlung des Vorhabens durch relevante Institutionen in eine neue Phase treten?
Ein eFinBlog-Beitrag zu Formaten und Inhalten der politischen Kommunikation. https://zevedi.de/digitaler-euro-politische-kommunikation/
Ich finde die Idee vom #digitalEuro eigentlich ganz gut. Paypall, Visa und Mastercard nerven mich richtig.
#euro #DigitalerEuro #digitaleuro
Freifahrtschein für die EZB: Volksbanken sprechen von zu lockeren Regeln | heise online https://www.heise.de/news/Digitaler-Euro-Volksbanken-befuerchten-sinkende-Finanzstabilitaet-9208978.html #DigitalEuro #ElectronicCash
🔄 Retweet from the @EU_Finance official Twister account:
“ With the digital euro your privacy will be protected:
 @ECB won’t be able to see your personal details or how you spend your money
 No one will be able to control how you use your euros: the #digitaleuro will not be programmable 
https://finance.ec.europa.eu/publications/digital-euro-package_en „
Source :
My comment:
I don't believe a word. Can't trust it.
#DigitalEuro #privacy #Euro
#NanoCurrency #NanoCrypto #Monero
#monero #nanocrypto #nanocurrency #euro #privacy #digitaleuro
🔄 Retweet from the @EU_Finance official Twister account:
“ With the digital euro your privacy will be protected:
 @ECB won’t be able to see your personal details or how you spend your money
 No one will be able to control how you use your euros: the #digitaleuro will not be programmable 
https://finance.ec.europa.eu/publications/digital-euro-package_en „
Source :
My comment:
I don't believe a word. Can't trust it.