@humanetech @theruran @pixouls

In the interests of the times we rather awkwardly recommended the website, we are following up with the this open letter.

Dear ShopEthical.Org.Au,
Your site gives Amazon an F-rating.
Why are you then hosting it on Amazon servers?


#shopEthical #Scamazon #monopoly #monopsony #digitalfeudalismcounteraction

Last updated 1 year ago

STOP WAITING FOR gutless to enforce .

This for not only blocks the likes of , Microsoft, , 'Twitter-buyer', , and a few others, but also *tells you* with a little notification when it does.

Find here:

…also here:

Find at tracker2.postman.i2p (I2P link).

#politicians #antitrust #firewall #linux #amazon #cloudflare #google #digitalfeudalismcounteraction #torrent #dfca #fediblock #technofeudalism #stoptechnofeudalism #cageMafia #dotcons

Last updated 1 year ago

IN CASE ANYONE WAS UNDER A ROCK someone has finally done it!

A setup that allows all(?) users to not only block the likes of , Amazon, , Twitter-buyer, and more, but that also *tells you* with a slick notification when it does!

Its called '' and it brings us great joy.

Install instructions:

Also available as torrent at tracker2.postman.i2p

#firewall #linux #google #cloudflare #digitalfeudalismcounteraction #fediblock #technofeudalism #dfca #i2plife #cageMafia

Last updated 1 year ago

BigTech are atomising us in disparate realities that cage us and make it increasingly difficult to communicate with one another.

They are the (CloudFlare, Amazn, Goolge, TwitterBuyer, Microdoft etc).

A lot of their power comes from .

Deprive them of data. Block them with only on linux, which also notifies you when an application tries to contact them!


#cageMafia #bigdata #digitalfeudalismcounteraction #stopTheDotCon #blockbigtech

Last updated 1 year ago

Has anyone thought to publish a where all the text is except whatever you want search engines to store and use?

The fun part would be, to view the page correctly a person would need to adjust the width of a till a sane page emerges. That is, there is no line breaks in the .

It would seem like a great way to mess with and importantly, systems.

#website #asciiart #hashtags #textbox #ascii #searchengines #ai #webdev #digitalfeudalismcounteraction

Last updated 1 year ago

We think has to be about rejecting the monopolies and empowering small operators.

We just boosted something about limiting C.A.G.E.M.A.F.I.A. if interested. Its called and blocks the likes of Amazon, Cloudflare, Microsoft, Google etc. We have found it to be most beneficial.

Those who need to access a site operated by the can still do so using .

Its really great.

#humanecoding #digitalfeudalismcounteraction #technoFascists #torbrowser

Last updated 1 year ago

While not using , get DFCA and start using it.

Thank us later using a single letter of the alphabet.

That is all.


Last updated 1 year ago


Also uploaded the here (I2P):

B32 (I2P):

And, as previously stated (Tor):

#bigtechblocker #dfca #digitalfeudalismcounteraction

Last updated 1 year ago


Your post reminds us of an application we saw on an I2P tracker recently that blocks such as , and the like, don't quote us, but pretty sure it was something like (or ).

It also apparently has a way to tell the user which app tried 'phoning home'.

Looking forward to testing it.

Because is never given, it needs to be taken. Thus a solution like DFCA sounds about right.

#torrent #dotcons #google #amazon #digitalfeudalismcounteraction #dfca #privacy #blockgoogle

Last updated 1 year ago