Check out this great interview with 2023 speaker @maggie on her work in digital gardening and personal knowledge sharing! #toolsforthought #digitalgardening
#ToolsForThought #digitalgardening
I have started working on "anchor pages" for my digital garden.
They are like taxonomy lists, except manually curated and rather than being chronological lists they are conversational with references.
The idea being that I can have a handful of these that act as guides for what sort of content I write which will help give me some scope.
"Don’t Get Lost in Someone Else’s Walled Garden – Cultivate Your Own"
Heavily inspired by the article "A Brief History & Ethos of the Digital Garden" by @maggie
After once again stumbling upon the term #DigitalGardening I decided to read up on it. And after the (for me) easiest to digest option of I am starting to question some of the ideas behind my #blog and wonder if I should rethink the whole structure…
@ellane @liztai I'm still unconvinced, but you're right - it is fun to explore. This concept of #digitalgardening through a note taking app like #Obsidian fascinates me at the moment. I'm interested in paring down my tools to the minimum possible to see how it affects my content and experience.
So I don't know how many of the #digitalgardening / #notes / #secondbrain people are here but there's something about the popularized method that's never sat right with me.
Specifically, people writing their end notes as perfect essays, fully formatted and edited as though it's going to be read by the public.
There doesn't seem to be a lot of room for messy brainstorms, scribbles, even just honest emotional reflections. The notes are all so manicured in the end, as though this is a homework assignment.
Doesn't this defeat the purpose of your notes? As a way to look back at the information you've gathered, including your own thoughts about the material at the time? For your own eyes, even if it uses verbiage or doodles or something that are only meaningful to you?
Published works are edited to showcase a very specific point of view, usually based on the editorial needs of the publisher. Why edit yourself when you don't need to?
#digitalgardening #notes #secondbrain
Notable new pages in my digital garden:
A new TIL which is actuall This-Week-I-Learned:
And a page about Gemini, which I was shocked I hadn't already started:
#originalcontent #blogging #digitalgarden #digitalgardening
Any suggestions for comments on a static website?
Considering Disqus but it seems gross.
#StaticSiteGenerator #PersonalWebsite #Blogging #DigitalGardening #DigitalGarden
#digitalgarden #digitalgardening #blogging #personalwebsite #staticsitegenerator
And while the text-forward nature of Gemini should lend itself naturally to digital garden content, I really just don't want to have to manually update index.gmi files and manually register backlinks.
#gemini #webgardening #digitalgardening
While in principle I think the whole digital garden should live exclusively in geminispace, in practice I just finished porting a ton of Markdown files for my blog and I'm very excited about the web version.
#markdown #gemini #digitalgardening
Pretty sure I want to publish my digital garden to Gemini soon while its young and before I introduce to many complex/incompatible features.
#gemini #webgardening #digitalgardening
My ideas for improving my digital garden:
I'm currently using "Eleventy Garden" which is a simple extension to the Eleventy static site generator that adds in the ability to use [[WikiLinks|wiki style links]] that generate backlinks. It's here:
#eleventy #homepage #digitalgardening
@audiodude TIL #digitalgardening.
Interesting concept!
Started to try kind of a similar approach with a personal knowledge base in Obisian - not online yet.
But I'm intrigued now to publicly share those on a personal website. 🤔
Following the #DigitalGardening philosophy, I've updated my #gemini capsule a little bit :)
* moved to ARM64 (Pi4)
* narrative landing page
This is just a start of a long but fun journey. Growing and taking care of this small space is my new hobby.
#digitalgardening #gemini #selfhosting #raspberrypi
Now I'm thinking about digital gardening too after reading the post that @w84death shared:
Also that article had way too many interesting things that I had to open in a new tab and still am trying to unpack.
This will probably have something to do with all of: blogging, gemini sites, best albums in the universe and my recent failure to want to pay for #RoamResearch.
#gemini #blogging #digitalgardening #roamresearch
I’ve just learned that what I’ve been trying to accomplish with my bookmark sorting and sharing is considered digital gardening -
Gonna dig into other’s work on this and see if there’s any workflows that accomplish my vision or maybe build my own thing in Rust hah.
#learning #digitalgardening #knowledge
Very interesting read about new and fresh approach to "having a homepage". I really like it!
#gemini #capsule #digitalgardening
@Weltenkreuzer #DigitalGardening klingt super. Eigentlich alles, was du geteilt hast. Wo finde ich mehr Infos?
Wer ist denn hier noch so im Bereich #Zettelkasten, #DigitalGardening, #ToolsForThought unterwegs?
Anybody else around here interested in #Zettelkasten, #DigitalGardening and/or #ToolsForThought?
#ToolsForThought #digitalgardening #zettelkasten