#DigitalGardens At first I felt very excited to share my notes on my digital garden, and now I'm rethinking it. I feel somewhat exposed, not knowing where to put the line between what is shareable and what should be private. It also feel like I'm still in a quest for validation more than to #LearnInPublic. Maybe I have to think in private for a while.
Other #pkm enthusiasts, any insights on the "public" dimension of sharing your notes?
#digitalgardens #learninpublic #pkm
#TIL about #digitalgardens
I'm thinking of setting one up on my VPS, maybe something like a Wikimedia where I'm the only user for collecting links and for taking notes on whatever I'm learning about.
Anyone else have a digital garden? What software do you use (custom built or otherwise)
I wish there was a tool as simple as Hugo CMS is to create blogs from CLI, but to generate #digitalgardens. The main roadblock, I believe is that there’s no implementation of bi-directional linking, at least not one simple enough for not-so technical guys to adopt.
#introduction I’m Daniel Santos, a computer scientist, systems analyst, business analyst and ESL teacher, born and living in Brazil 🇧🇷.
I’m a husband and father of 2 boys. We also have a tiny Yorkshire dog named Luke so the force may be with us.
I love #pkm #obsidian #logseq #digitalgardens #books #roguelikes #rpg and many more things.
I’m working with business development and digital platforms, always having continuous learning in mind.
#introduction #pkm #obsidian #logseq #digitalgardens #books #roguelikes #rpg
You don't hear much about #digitalgardens anymore.... Heck, I forget that my blog even exists. I've been using #Obsidian for the last year and it's been really nice to just journal for myself, however I wish that I had interesting things to write about for my #blog.
#blog #obsidian #digitalgardens