Today video shoot for the project TAP-TS. happy that one of the many taks was almost error-free. @PiD #nachhaltigkeit #digitalität #SustainabilityEducation #digitality
#nachhaltigkeit #digitalitat #sustainabilityeducation #digitality
Let's be clear: Deactivating an account does not delete it. It deactivates it. Good luck as to whether anything is deleted. #digitality #bigdata #archive
As s correction to social fragmentation, #chatgpt #bigdata and loss of identity in #digitality Charles Olson's essay on the Human Universe is a prescient warning against the loss of human #logos in the face of #technology Olson's work is a key for living in the present, remaining attentive. We must reclaim a #human #commons to save our #consciousness from #capitalist machine-driven encroachment #ai as a fales simulacrum of #progress .. who decides?
#chatgpt #bigdata #digitality #logos #technology #human #commons #consciousness #capitalist #ai #progress
@platypus Fun fact: This phenomena has even caused a change of the gene symbol standards:
Fishing with my son in #stardewvalley might be the closest he ever gets to the real thing. Such a pale imitation this #digitality #gaming
#stardewvalley #digitality #gaming
Good morning!
Do any of you know of anyone who has implemented a corporate and/or school social network with Mastodon?
Gladly Boost for reach.
#edutoot #EdChat #EduSci #EduSci #SharingIsCaring #Cocreation #LLL #Digitality
#edutoot #edchat #edusci #sharingiscaring #cocreation #lll #digitality
@nilsc A #blockchain or #crypto "solution" is a fantasy. Who enforces it? How do we gauge fair worth? The issue is really about #bigdata mining human #creative output as a resource... it's unregulated and we're just playing with our historical cultural production in the name of "progress". Sure I paint. It's an #analog activity. I don't want #digitality to #colonize all aspects of my experience and my #production But I have no protection.
#blockchain #crypto #bigdata #creative #analog #digitality #colonize #production
Groundbreaking ceremony #ZDD at the University of Applied Sciences in Düsseldorf (HSD)!
ZDD is the Centre for #Digitalization and #Digitality. It will move to its new home in early 2024.
Grundsteinlegung des #ZDD an der Hochschule Düsseldorf (HSD)!
ZDD ist das Zentrum für #Digitalisierung und #Digitalität und wird Anfang 2024 ins neue Zuhause umziehen.
#digitalitat #Digitalisierung #digitality #digitalization #zdd
Snap! ist für mich mehr als ein Tool für Informatikunterricht. Es könnte ein Werkzeug sein, das Lernende in allen Fächern befähigt kreativ mit Daten zu arbeiten. @moenig hat einen unterhaltsamen TEDx Talk dazu gehalten. #blockbased #computerscience #digitality
#blockbased #computerscience #digitality
Any #digital #theologians on #mastodon? Can we do #federated #digitality #research over there? Follow me
#research #digitality #federated #Mastodon #theologians #digital
Time for a short #introduction ...
Child of the mid-late 90s 3DFPS-www-newsgroups-icq-linux frenzy, experienced the rise of web 2.0 when it felt like the fediverse feels now. This feeling is part of the reason why I'm here - call it midlife crisis 2.0.
Got a PhD in #InterfaceCulture , work as director of a MA in Sound Design, do #DesignResearch and also do freelance #SoundDesign and #interactiondesign . I also work im #MusicEducation with a focus on #digitality .
Gracias por su atención.
#digitality #musiceducation #interactiondesign #sounddesign #designresearch #InterfaceCulture #introduction
Darüber wissen wir noch viel zu wenig:
Der @csett86 kennt dich aus.
#krise #land #digitality #kreative #pioniere