Introducing myself through the top 5 posts in 2022 on my blog, which mixes my academic research and my love of cinema.
no. 5: The habits of Netflix's users
"This post will produce snapshots of Netflix’s user behavior. These snapshots are connected to a working hypothesis: Netflix desires that its content will be consumed unequally, where some content will get lots of attention and the rest will receive little."
#netflix #mediastudies #digitalmediastudies
#netflix #mediastudies #digitalmediastudies
Also #mediaindustries #mediaindustrystudies #mediaindustryhistory #medialabor #mediastudies #transnationalfilm #transnationalmedia #filmandmediastudies #digitalmedia #digitalmediastudies #filmstudies #mediahistory #filmhistory #mediatheory #filmtheory #distribution #exhibition #mediadistribution #distributionstudies #exhibitionstudies #politicaleconomy #mediaeconomics #censorship #economichistory
#mediaindustries #mediaindustrystudies #mediaindustryhistory #medialabor #mediastudies #transnationalfilm #transnationalmedia #filmandmediastudies #Digitalmedia #digitalmediastudies #filmstudies #mediahistory #filmhistory #mediatheory #filmtheory #distribution #exhibition #mediadistribution #distributionstudies #exhibitionstudies #politicaleconomy #mediaeconomics #censorship #economichistory