Design Milk : Code/Craft/Chaos: The Space Between Man + Machine in Art #LondonCraftWeek2023 #3Dprintedceramics #HomeFurnishings #homefurnishings #LondonCraftWeek #digitalpattern #sustainability #Style+Fashion #B-corpcompany #craftsmanship #throwblanket #ConnorDavey #screenprint #sustainable #Technology #digitalart #collage
#londoncraftweek2023 #3dprintedceramics #homefurnishings #londoncraftweek #digitalpattern #sustainability #style #b #craftsmanship #throwblanket #connordavey #screenprint #sustainable #technology #digitalart #collage
Feeling very positive about today's progress.
The tag blanks are designed and ready to be cut out, the samples are all cross stitched up and ready to be cut out and completed.
These patterns are already available on my shop for instant digital download. The final picture (in much better quality) will be updated over the next couple of days.
#crossstitch #digitalpattern #christmas #gifttags
Another shaky photo but this time the Christingle is complete.
Time to break out the snowman pattern and finish off the 5th of the present tags available on
You know what that means?
It means it's almost time to update the shop with new patterns!
(And I have to bully my partner into taking nice photos for the shop 😉)
#crossstitch #christingle #gifttags #digitalpattern
It turns out I was radically unprepared for someone to actually buy a pattern, let alone 5 of them. So...
Cross Stitch patterns back in stock!
Christmas Gift Tag patterns are available, they also fit in small Christmas Card blanks!
Go to to find out more!
#crossstitch #digitalpattern #christmas #shophandmade
It turns out I was radically unprepared for someone to actually buy a pattern, let alone 5 of them. So...
Cross Stitch patterns back in stock!
Christmas Gift Tag patterns are available, they also fit in small Christmas Card blanks!
Go to to find out more!
#crossstitch #digitalpattern #christmas #shophandmade
Having started the day off strong with some light Minecraft, it's time to get stuck in on Christmas Tag Number 3: The Christmas Present and bring it out of the computer and into the real world.
The pattern is available here:
#crossstitch #digitalpattern #christmas