@billt March seemed so far away when the announcement was made; I still can't quite believe Digital Planet is ending. I'll miss listening to you & Gareth & the rest of the team every week. Please keep us updated on what projects you'll be working on beyond Digital Planet, & hopefully we'll hear you again soon.
#DigitalPlanet #Tech #Technology #TechForGood #BBC #BBCRadio #Podcast
#Podcast #bbcradio #BBC #techforgood #Technology #Tech #digitalplanet
@billt It’s been so great hearing you on #DigitalPlanet over the years! Glad week 5 sees you up and about with your new knee. From listening to #DigitalPlanet on #BBCWorldService on #NgunnawalCountry to podcasts now in #London. It’s been a blast Bill. Looking forward to you last two shows.
#digitalplanet #BBCWorldService #ngunnawalcountry #london
Forgot to include a link to the episode #DigitalPlanet #Fediverse #Mastodon #BBC: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/w3ct31zd
#bbc #Mastodon #Fediverse #digitalplanet
A few weeks ago I wrote to the BBC’s #DigitalPlanet podcast asking them to do a story on the #Fediverse , specifically #Mastodon , and my question was featured in the latest show! Also hoping they will set up an account or, better yet, a dedicated #BBC instance
#bbc #Mastodon #Fediverse #digitalplanet
Good conversation about the #fediverse on BBC #digitalplanet podcast this week with Cindy Cohn of the #eff.
#fediverse #digitalplanet #eff
I was listening to the #BBC's #DigitalPlanet this morning & happy to get the tip of downloading & archiving your data from #Twitter.
You can see how to do it here https://help.twitter.com/en/managing-your-account/how-to-download-your-twitter-archive
You need to "Request an Archive" but it is worthwhile doing, especially if you have invested a lot in that legacy platform.
@Ghislaine just caught up with #digitalplanet and renaming of the '3D webspace'. I could have sworn you said "Meltyverse" and I now think this has to become a thing!
Everytime the #DigitalPlanet #Facebook page is mentioned I am reminded that I am still in mourning for the loss of the BBC 'social' site, where that content really should be.
I can't even remember the proper name for the site, but recall it had close ties to the H2G2 wikipedia at that time, must be mid-noughties.
Welcome @billt, great to see you here. I am a huge fan of #DigitalPlanet (and its earlier incarnation). Do you think the #BBC would see fit to create its own #mastodon instance?
BBC World Service - #DigitalPlanet, Calls for #facialrecognition #tech ban on #Brazilian #metro
#Civilrightsgroups file a lawsuit to suspend use of facial recognition in the metro
#digitalplanet #facialrecognition #tech #brazilian #metro #Civilrightsgroups #BantheScan