đ Introducing the Passphrase Card by SparkForge! A revolutionary tool for effortless and secure password generation. With a pool of 26,000 words, create strong, memorable passwords and carry them in your wallet. No more forgetting passwords! Experience the simplicity of robust password security today. đ
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#passwordsecurity #sparkforge #digitalprivacy
I was never popular nor relevant in any way over at twitter. However I'm considering deleting my account there. I wonder if it leaves your tweets or if it deletes everything?
I also still would like to keep seeing what my friends post in there. What would be the best tool to delete all my tweets but still have access to the account?
#tech #socialmedia #twitter #digitalprivacy
Question for folks interested in both #digitalprivacy and #journalism
I started using DuckDuckGo a few days ago and this morning I attempted to read an article on the Las Vegas Review Journal.
It saw that I was using ad blockers /1
We Need to Return to Healthier Social Networks
"Unfortunately, no social network is immune to hate because hate is part of everyday life. However, we can choose to have a purer social experience, where content is selected based on our interests and choices, not based on others' economic and political interests."
#Fediverse #HealthySocialNetworking #DigitalSocialization #BackToBasics #MonetizingHate #AlgorithmImpact #GenuineInteraction #DigitalPrivacy #TechInnovation #DivideEtImpera #Mastodon #SocialNetworks
#fediverse #healthysocialnetworking #digitalsocialization #backtobasics #monetizinghate #algorithmimpact #genuineinteraction #digitalprivacy #techinnovation #divideetimpera #mastodon #socialnetworks
Researchers from King's College London conducted a survey among 600 people and found the majority of women were more likely to gain online security advice from friends and family than helpful internet resources. Dr Kovila Coopamootoo, lecturer in computer science, said it highlighted "the gender norms at play in online safety and the role that gender identity plays in staying safe online.â
#onlinesecurity #digitalprivacy #genderidentity
@leo Leo, I know this story about #police warrants and #geofencing and #Google will be on the rundown for Wednesday's show. But I have a SPECIFIC question about this story of #digitalprivacy . . . I keep geoloco OFF on my Samsung Galaxy S20 Note because I find it to be a battery suck. I only turn it on when it is required by a certain app I am using. If geoloco is off is my phone still swept up in #geofencingwarrants ? Effort to curb police use of Google data
#police #geofencing #google #digitalprivacy #geofencingwarrants
Digital Privacy: "Congressional Report Finds Meta and #Tax Prep Companies 'Recklessly' Shared Taxpayersâ https://www.infodocket.com/2023/07/12/digital-privacy-congressional-report-finds-meta-and-tax-prep-companies-recklessly-shared-taxpayers-data/ #data" #digitalprivacy
Settled Human Rights Standards as Building Blocks for Platform Accountability and Regulation: A Contribution to the Brazilian Debate (EFF)
#international #freespeech #privacy #electronicfrontierfoundation #eff #digitalrights #digitalprivacy #brazil #brasil #brazilie #PL_2630
#pl_2630 #brazilie #brasil #brazil #digitalprivacy #digitalrights #eff #electronicfrontierfoundation #privacy #freespeech #international
I really donât like introductions, but um lemme do this one ig. My nickname is Suli & I have a deep interest in #music, #technology (particularly #DigitalPrivacy), #reading (fav genre being #scifi/#fantasy ; not a fan of any franchise) and ongoing social issues. Iâm a convinced #communist & #atheist and love to overshare at times. Probably not on the internet, tho.
#music #technology #digitalprivacy #reading #scifi #communist #atheist #introduction
One of the Last Bastions of Digital Privacy Is Under Threat #Signal #EndToEndEncryption #privacy #digitalprivacy https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/13/opinion/encryption-messaging-privacy-signal-whatsapp.html?unlocked_article_code=bCYfmdTyM1U9OLWRox67msPzZ0Yw58hnmIkSXQs-u6Dx_zuXIoeoYu0o3kgxndpS_iD3hVwFHuaaNhKl9Jpi3GWWauA6mlCMe8oej1E4D-j95voIZXr30VbmMy60leArhf3_xCSaIf072I25YpT3EfhIWEJRfpVJ5p2OxtF-HfAQU4ahTT099jLIWsme5Rr9cSz8XdnMVEgOhkqqIqilvao_ZIhto-fssa-VaufKeiF4YlbPdWbJrq22AHVXcRryczixKkcQGVVWunKD2QoLiKgBnkegfgOcsBCeD3sDcOsul_jDwwwEM29g83Wt5dsL5TjHC365hBKqy-TK-09gDD5cCqpaCUK-zwDPEU2qGODlUWWWGHU&smid=url-share
#signal #endtoendencryption #privacy #digitalprivacy
The ongoing resistance to digital invasion of privacy is ongoing: 10 Years After Snowden: Some Things Are Better, Some Weâre Still Fighting For | Electronic Frontier Foundation #digitalprivacy #snowden https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2023/05/10-years-after-snowden-some-things-are-better-some-were-still-fighting
Lieber Mike Kuketz,
danke fĂŒr die sagenhaften Zusammenfassungen der custom ROMs auf deinem Blog bisher!*
Frage: Was ist deine EinschĂ€tzung wie es bei #GrapheneOS weitergehen wird nachdem sich Daniel Micay zurĂŒckgezogen hat? Wird das Projekt den hohen Standard halten können? Gibt es dort genug andere gute Leute oder steht und fĂ€llt das Projekt mit der kontroversen Persönlichkeit Micay?
#datenschutz #digitalprivacy #customrom #android #itsec #grapheneos
Das #Videokonferenzssystem #EduMeet verdient vielleicht etwas mehr Aufmerksamkeit.
Meine bisherigen Erfahrungen:
* bessere BrowserkompatibilitÀt im Vergl. zu #Jitsi
* leichteres onboarding im Vergl. zu #BigBlueButton
Es ist #OpenSource, kann selbst gehostet werden, wird/ wurde von der #EU gefördert, hier mehr:
Im Backend wird #MediaSoup verwendet.
#ViCo #Video #Konferenz #digitalPrivacy #WebRTC
Dank an @adminforge fĂŒrs Betreiben einer Instanz!
#videokonferenzssystem #eduMEET #jitsi #bigbluebutton #opensource #EU #MediaSoup #vico #video #Konferenz #digitalprivacy #webrtc
Privacy concerns in substance abuse treatment and candidate screening algorithms
#PrivacyConcerns #DataTrail #TechCompanyDatabases #CandidateScreening #PersonalDataExposure #SubstanceAbuseTreatmentPrograms #DigitalPrivacy #DataSecurity
Brian R. Jackson is a pathologist.
Listen here: https://kevinmd.com/podcast
#privacyconcerns #datatrail #techcompanydatabases #candidatescreening #personaldataexposure #substanceabusetreatmentprograms #digitalprivacy #datasecurity
Das Hauptthema ist ja #Cash.
Besonders wĂŒrde mich interessieren, ob es eine Session o.Ă€. zu #GNUTaler gibt? Bin im Programm nicht fĂŒndig geworden, vielleicht ĂŒbersehe ich auch etwas.
#FairCash #Geld #FairTrade #digitalPrivacy
#cash #gnutaler #Faircash #geld #Fairtrade #digitalprivacy
It's a shame that #TornadoCash's security was breached, but it's important to remember that even the most sophisticated systems have vulnerabilities. #CryptoMixers have the potential to be a valuable tool for privacy, so here's hoping the hackers can be stopped and the service restored to its rightful owners! #SafetyFirst #CyberSecurity #DigitalPrivacy http://www.techmeme.com/230521/p10#a230521p10
#tornadocash #cryptomixers #safetyfirst #cybersecurity #digitalprivacy
New instance, new #Introduction ! I was part of the great #SapphicMigration in Nov 2022 but have moved servers several times as I learn more about the fediverse and seek community. â©
My interests are #SapphicBooks, #AudioBooks, âš#Democracy, #HopePunk, #DigitalPrivacy, fascinated by and scared about #AI
I am striving to be #WFPB.
Currently, I live in a red state in the US. However, my wife and I are in the process of moving to #Portugal this year.
#introduction #sapphicmigration #sapphicbooks #audiobooks #democracy #hopepunk #digitalprivacy #ai #WFPB #portugal
The NZ Privacy Commissioner / Te Mana MÄtÄpono Matatapu is hosting free webinars on digital privacy all next week https://www.privacy.org.nz/news/forums-and-seminars/privacy-week/privacy-week-2023/ #privacy #DigitalPrivacy #webinar
#privacy #digitalprivacy #webinar
Can anyone here find me an #infographic that compared #PrivateMessengers that wasnt too biased towards one service?
( I remember it being from an official source too, like a governmental source. )
I remember having one but i lost it.
#infographic #privatemessengers #privacy #messengers #digitalprivacy
"What do you mean you don't want your data, messages, and Internet usage monitored? Don't you care about the children?!"
This is one of the arguments that the #US and #EU are using right now to attempt to sway public opinion against encryption. They're calling tech/web organizations' resistance to government backdoors "hypocracy," because some companies have complied with repressive governments.
"But why not with *our* governments?!"
The usual Helen Lovejoy argument is being used to justify more snooping.
Here's a sample of how they're spinning things, written in the minutes of the EU-US Senior Officials Meeting on Justice an Home Affairs:
16-17 March, 2023
"A point of reference in this
regard is the 2021 G7 Statement which speaks of âmaintaining tightly controlled lawful access to
dataâ; indeed, law enforcement is not seeking new powers but to preserve its ability to investigate."
"On end-to-end encryption, the US delegation noted a certain hypocrisy in the position of web
platforms that resisted constructive engagement on lawful access with liberal democracies, while being liable to bow to pressure in more repressive jurisdictions."
"Beyond encryption, data retention
and data processing were also identified as areas of focus by the US delegation. It confirmed that
the fight against online child exploitation and abuse remained a national priority."
Full document for context: https://www.statewatch.org/media/3804/eu-usa-som-jha-meeting-outcome-7725-23.pdf
The EU's proposal: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=COM%3A2022%3A209%3AFIN&qid=1652451192472
The UK's "Online Safety Bill": https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Online_Safety_Bill
#USA #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #Encryption #EFF #DigitalRights #Privacy #Police #LawEnforcement #Kids #Children #HelenLovejoy #DigitalPrivacy #EncryptEverything
#us #eu #usa #unitedstates #europeanunion #encryption #eff #digitalrights #privacy #police #lawenforcement #kids #children #helenlovejoy #digitalprivacy #encrypteverything