The European Network · @TheEuropeanNetwork
2067 followers · 1105 posts · Server

Martin Kunze has a mission: to create a time capsule of humankind. One reason for this ambitious project is that digital records do not last forever – and Kunze believes certain memories should be preserved.

Saving the 'memory of mankind' in a mountain of Austrian salt.

#datastorage #digitalrecords #archival #preservation #mankind #austria

Last updated 2 years ago

Kelly · @Kelly
58 followers · 110 posts · Server federal funding for Trove is running out soon. I use trove so much - it's records are invaluable. If you are in Australia could you please send a message to your MP about guaranteeing funding for it?

#wikipedia #digitalrecords #Trove #australianhistory

Last updated 2 years ago