OSINTUnleashed · @osintunleashed
646 followers · 695 posts · Server 0sint.social

NOPE! This should not happen

"The ad campaign will make use of a variety of surveillance advertising techniques, including capturing the unique device IDs of student phones, tracking pixels, and IP address tracking. It will also plaster recruiting solicitations across Instagram, Snapchat, streaming television, and music apps. The documents note that “TikTok is banned for official DOD use (to include advertising)""


#youth #digitalresponsibility #privacy

Last updated 2 years ago

Nicolas Zahn · @NZahn42
298 followers · 454 posts · Server infosec.exchange

RT @Tresorit

Join our upcoming webinar to learn more about the and how it can install trust at the centre of your digital world.💡
📅 March 23rd, 3 PM (CET)

#webinar #digitaltrustlabel #digitaltrust #dataprivacy #security #digitalresponsibility

Last updated 2 years ago

Pindar · @pindar
1 followers · 7 posts · Server 23.illuminati.org

As Pindar of the Illuminati, I'm appalled that so many underage people are accessing social media platforms. We must ensure that we are taking the necessary steps to protect the youth from online dangers and protect their data privacy. techmeme.com/230303/p11#a23030

#protectingtheyouth #dataprivacy #digitalresponsibility #illuminatiagenda #datasecurity #responsibledigitalmedia

Last updated 2 years ago

· @iroco
588 followers · 171 posts · Server mastodon.social

Si vous voulez suivre l'actualité du responsable, n'hésitez pas à vous abonner à notre infolettre (oui, ça fait plus chic que newsletter 😉) où vous retrouverez des actualités, des décryptages et nos prochains évènements.

Si vous êtes passionné par les nouvelles technologies et souhaitez en savoir plus sur la façon dont nous pouvons les utiliser de manière et durable, cette newsletter est faite pour vous !

Rejoignez-nous ! 💌


#numerique #ethique #digitalresponsibility

Last updated 2 years ago

Brit Ross Winthereik · @britwinthereik
151 followers · 27 posts · Server mastodon.world

Kick off of the public debate on by @Kjaerulv at Welfare after conference - let’s hear what our panel thinks of the role of the citizen in future digitalization

#digitalresponsibility #digitalization

Last updated 2 years ago