Da sich die Täter von Stäfa gerade wieder als Opfer inszenieren: Hier eine kleine Gedächtnisstütze. #doxing #DigitalViolence #NoSVP
#Doxing #digitalviolence #nosvp
Germany plans legislation to block cyber-hate accounts https://www.euractiv.com/section/platforms/news/germany-plans-legislation-to-block-cyber-hate-accounts/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #Bundestag #cyberbullying #digitalviolence #hatespeech
#bundestag #cyberbullying #digitalviolence #hatespeech
Germany plans legislation to block cyber-hate accounts https://www.euractiv.com/section/platforms/news/germany-plans-legislation-to-block-cyber-hate-accounts/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #Bundestag #cyberbullying #digitalviolence #hatespeech
#bundestag #cyberbullying #digitalviolence #hatespeech
RT @sreeparna_c_
Avantika is a postgrad student @FLAMEUniversity I am supervising. She is doing important research on #digitalviolence against women and gender-fluid individuals. If you are b/w 18-35 you can find details of the survey and info at the link below https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfvGXqOvISyDEhMBHf3mau64dRXYtxOM2ZeehtZdJouS6vDXQ/viewform?usp=sf_link
Hello Mastodon
Very new. Still poking around and liable to terrifying and embarrassing mistakes.
Presently, I'm a PhD candidate nearing completion, specializing in the #sociology of violence and focusing on #DigitalViolence. I'm also interested in #Criminology, especially punitive responses to criminal offending.
I write #ScienceFiction and #fantasy, when I have the time, which hasn't been much of late. At the moment, my focus is #ShortStories. My reading follows similar lines. #Reading #AmWriting #WritingCommunity
I'm a lover of cold weather but inexplicably live in the #Tropics. This means I spend a quarter of each year moaning about dying in heatwaves. (Granted, tropical winters are, basically, the best.)
I've also go an abiding love for #Astronomy, #Archaeology, #Paleontology, #History.
TL;DR: Hello. Yay sociology. Heat-sensitive geek.
#sociology #digitalviolence #criminology #sciencefiction #fantasy #shortstories #reading #amwriting #writingcommunity #tropics #astronomy #archaeology #paleontology #history
RT @glocalreporting@twitter.com
#Cyberstalker: Warum werden die Betroffenen von #Cyberstalking nicht besser geschützt? Wieso können Täter*innen in der digitalen Anonymität ihre Opfer über Jahre hinweg quälen, während diese verzweifeln?
@patrizipien@twitter.com @strg_f@twitter.com #stalking #digitalviolence
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/glocalreporting/status/1562799425784672262
#Cyberstalker #cyberstalking #stalking #digitalviolence
Digital violence against women in Paraguay
In order to develop the research on digital violence against women in Paraguay, it is necessary to develop some definitions. To date there is no global consensus on the definition of digital violence, however for this research we take the definition of digital gender violence developed by the Association for Progressive Communications (APC
#género #digitalviolence #genderit