A guide to digital voice on ham radio
Digital Voice done efficiently #digitalvoice #wires-x #hamradio
#hamradio #wires #digitalvoice
A picture is worth a thousand words. #dstar #digitalvoice #hamradio
#hamradio #digitalvoice #dstar
Break Free from Proprietary Digital Radio - Digital modes are all the rage these days in amateur radio — hams are using protoc... - https://hackaday.com/2023/08/05/break-free-from-proprietary-digital-radio/ #amateurradio #digitalvoice #radiohacks #reflector #hamradio #standard #codec2 #audio #codec #radio #m17
#m17 #radio #codec #audio #codec2 #standard #hamradio #reflector #radiohacks #digitalvoice #amateurradio
Not really active on digital voice modes, but nevertheless I do have a hotspot running Pi-Star, and I came across this new (to me) customized fork to get a new look and extra features. More info on the builder's page, W0CHP.
#hamr #DMR #YSF #DStar #DigitalVoice #PiStar
#pistar #digitalvoice #dstar #ysf #dmr #hamr
Hecho por radioaficionados para radioaficionados.
video por: Ria Jairam, N2RJ
Licencia: CC, BY, SA
#m17project #digitalvoice #m17
#m17 #digitalvoice #M17project
getting ridiculously excited about my new #bt #DigitalVoice service! though phones and phone services have always interested me so it's no surprise really!
Back on the D-STAR REF reflectors after my callsign was "un-registered" somehow? #dstar #digitalvoice
Sunday's 03:00 UTC Northern Utah Technical Society D-STAR net on REF029C #dstar #digitalvoice #hamradio
#hamradio #digitalvoice #dstar
Small radio project with some radio friends. #digitalvoice #digitalradio #c4fm #dstar #dmr www.6ccm.org
#dmr #dstar #c4fm #digitalradio #digitalvoice
Switching to digital voice next month. Let's see how that goes.
Nice QSO with Phil @k9fh just now on #fedihams . We were both in via #YSF , reflector “DE Fediverse” 73737 - on my side via the #dmr2ysf gateway on my Pi-Star hotspot.
The call sign mnemonic is "canine firehouse".
Phil reports seeing traffic on the #TGIF #DMR side as well.
Now off to my bicycle ride! Gotta get out before sunset, hoping to operate #BicycleMobile in some form.
[ #Fedihams https://qrz.is/fedihams/ ]
[ #QSO #digitalvoice ]
#digitalvoice #qso #bicyclemobile #dmr #tgif #dmr2ysf #ysf #FediHams
Ok techie people. I used to have a standard landline and all my phones had BT call guardian which challenged unknown callers to provide their name before my phone would ring. As a result - no spam calls.
I’ve now been moved to Digital Voice and Call Guardian doesn’t want to play. Is anyone aware of any equivalent? A cheap personal IVR system would also work but my internet searching is yielding me nothing. Thanks is advance.
#Voip #DigitalVoice #SpamCalls
#voip #digitalvoice #spamcalls
#hamr #digitalvoice Für die, die mit einem AMBE3000 am Rechner BlueDV nutzen: Es gibt ne neue BETA unter http://software.pa7lim.nl/BlueDV/BETA/Windows/
@mycroft_ai that's so awesome! Can't wait until I'll have my #digitalvoice #assistant :ac_exclaim: