$21 Million in ‘Sleeping Bitcoins’ Awaken After Years of Dormancy - Despite Bitcoin’s (BTC) price dipping 6.4% this week and hovering below the $26K m... - https://news.bitcoin.com/21-million-in-sleeping-bitcoins-awaken-after-years-of-dormancy/ #digitalcurrency #cryptocurrency #digitalwallet #bitcoin(btc) #digitalgold #transaction #activation #blockchain #resurgence #sevenyears #awakening #long-held #mobilized #untouched #movement #transfer #bitcoin #dormant #revival #assets #cache
#cache #assets #revival #dormant #transfer #movement #untouched #mobilized #long #awakening #sevenyears #resurgence #blockchain #activation #transaction #digitalgold #bitcoin #digitalwallet #cryptocurrency #digitalcurrency
GameStop, citing “regulatory uncertainty,” winds down its crypto and NFT wallet - Enlarge / An artifact from an earlier time in GameStop's crypto enthusi... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1958890 #virtualcurrencies #cryptocurrencies #digitalwallet #memestocks #nftgaming #gamestop #gaming #crypto #tech #nfts #nft
#nft #nfts #tech #crypto #gaming #gamestop #nftgaming #memestocks #digitalwallet #cryptocurrencies #virtualcurrencies
Ars Technica: GameStop, citing “regulatory uncertainty,” winds down its crypto and NFT wallet https://arstechnica.com/?p=1958890 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #virtualcurrencies #cryptocurrencies #digitalwallet #memestocks #NFTgaming #Gamestop #Gaming #crypto #Tech #NFTs #NFT
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #virtualcurrencies #cryptocurrencies #digitalwallet #memestocks #nftgaming #gamestop #Gaming #Crypto #nfts #nft
Das wäre endlich mal ein Fortschritt. Diese verschiedenen Zugangs- / Authentifizierungskarten sind mittlerweile eine echte Seuche.
Aktuell habe ich z.B. in meinem beruflichen Umfeld schon 4 Stück davon für unterschiedliche Zwecke, Tendenz steigend...
#DigitalWallet #Mitarbeiterausweise
Digitale Wallets können physische Mitarbeiterausweise ablösen
#digitalwallet #mitarbeiterausweise
Do you know what makes a GREAT #DigitalWallet? 🤔
✔ Conformant with EBSI
✔ Boosting #EUMobility
✔ Advancing cross-border services in Europe
Good thing you can test your solution now with our updated Wallet Conformance Testing tool! 💯
#ebsi #ebsiconformant #eumobility #digitalwallet
🪪👏 Making things easier for people and businesses and available to anyone in the 🇪🇺 who wants to use it. Fine out more → http://europa.eu/!9FFrty
#DigitalWallet @EUdigitalID
RT @vestager: There will soon be a day when all Europeans will share a European electronic identity #EID.
👉One simple #digital wallet with our main documents that we could use anywhere across 🇪🇺
We’re working on it ⬇️😀
@europarl_en @EUCouncil @JerkovicRomana
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/DigitalEU/status/1638533145434763265
RT @JerkovicRomana: Today we kicked-off the trilogues on #eIDAS! Co-legislators are committed to high level of data protection, cybersecurity and a strong governance framework for trusted digital identity. A #digitalwallet which is secure and which gives users full control over own data is a must.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EP_Industry/status/1638293094020919297
"The #NFT integrations seem to be one casualty of CEO #MarkZuckerberg’s drive to make 2023 the “year of efficiency,” along with the Reels Play bonus program. But their end also follows the shutdowns of the Meta-backed #cryptocurrency #
Diem and Meta’s Novi #DigitalWallet last year."
#Meta gives up on #NFTs for #Facebook and #Instagram /
#instagram #facebook #nfts #meta #digitalwallet #cryptocurrency #markzuckerberg #nft
#cryptowallets #cryptowallet #Digitalwallet A Beginner’s Guide to Setting Up Your First Crypto Hardware Wallet https://coinxposure.com/a-beginners-guide-to-setting-up-your-first-crypto-hardware-wallet.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
#cryptowallets #cryptowallet #digitalwallet
Contrairement à d’autres projets similaires, l’OpenWallet Foundation n’a pas l’intention de créer son propre e-wallet ou de remplacer les standards existants.
#digitalwallet #interoperability
Au lieu de cela, la Fondation Linux se concentre sur la création d’une structure open source et d’un inventaire de bonnes pratiques pour encourager la collaboration entre les différents acteurs.
On ne peut que saluer cette initiative 😀
#digitalwallet #interoperability #opensource
📱👛 MEPs have voted in favour of updating the European #digitalidentity framework and introducing a #digitalwallet for #EU citizens.
The new eID would always be voluntary, with MEPs guaranteeing that citizens who opt out wouldn't be discriminated against.https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20230206IPR72110/meps-back-plans-for-an-eu-wide-digital-wallet
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Europarl_MT/status/1625105833116807170
#digitalidentity #digitalwallet #EU
The European Digital Identity Wallet is the @EU_Commission proposed solution to help people access #OnlineServices in the #EU quickly and safely. Today, they published a common EU Toolbox to set standards to create a trusted and secure #DigitalWallet. A pilot will soon test some #UseCases, such as #DrivingLicenses, #eHealth, and #payments.
#DigitalStrategy #Fintech #RiskManagement #DigitalPayments #DataPrivacy #DataSecurity
#onlineservices #eu #digitalwallet #usecases #drivinglicenses #ehealth #payments #digitalstrategy #fintech #riskmanagement #digitalpayments #dataprivacy #datasecurity
Die EU hat im Februar den Entwurf für das "Architecture Reference Framework for EU Digital Wallet" veröffentlicht. Unseren Kommentar dazu gibt es im PROJECT CONSULT Blog:
#EU #eIDAS #DigitalWallet #Wallet #Identity #Decentralized #ARF #Architecture #Framework #ETSI #CEN #Cenelec #Standards #DigitalIdentity #eID #eIDAS2
#eu #eidas #digitalwallet #wallet #identity #decentralized #arf #architecture #framework #etsi #cen #cenelec #standards #digitalidentity #eid #eidas2
The European Digital Identity (#EUDI) Wallet Architecture and Reference Framework (ARF) v1.0 has been released.
⟨ " The purpose of the document is to provide a set of the specifications needed to develop an interoperable European Digital Identity (EUDI) Wallet Solution based on common standards and practices. " ⟩
#DigitalIdentity #ISO #mDL #W3C #VerifiableCredentials #DecentralizedIdentity #DigitalWallet #eIDAS #EBSI
To understand how the ARF fits within the broader digital identity ecosystem in the European Union read >>
#eudi #digitalidentity #iso #mdl #w3c #verifiablecredentials #decentralizedidentity #digitalwallet #eidas #EBSI
Next step in approval of a voluntary EU Digital Wallet, https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20230206IPR72110/meps-back-plans-for-an-eu-wide-digital-wallet
#EU #Digitalwallet#Identity
Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago, Central Bank Authorizes TSTT and PESH to Issue Electronic Money in Trinidad and Tobago, February 1, 2023
— Available here: https://www.central-bank.org.tt/sites/default/files/latest-news/central-bank-authorises-tstt-pesh-issue-emoney-20230201_0.pdf
#fintech #emoney #digitalwallet #digitalpayments #financialservices #banking #payments #regulation #centralbanks #Trinidad #Tobago
#Tobago #trinidad #centralbanks #regulation #payments #banking #financialservices #DigitalPayments #digitalwallet #emoney #fintech
The digital wallet is the killer app for the completely open source hardware and software “digital mobile safe” program led by mudge (aka Peiter) Zatko, at Google’s Advanced Technologies and Projects (ATAP) Group back in 2015. We need it today!
The “Tragedy of the Commons” which posits that “Humans, when left to their own devices, compete with one another for resources until the resources run out.” has been debunked.
Open source and what not to do!
#Interoperability #DecentralizedIdentity #BigTech #Competition #EUDI #DigitalWallet #OpenSourceSoftware #OWF #ATAP #ProjectVault
#newrecently #cyberlinks #interoperability #decentralizedidentity #bigtech #competition #eudi #digitalwallet #opensourcesoftware #owf #atap #projectvault
Bermuda Monetary Authority (Authority or BMA) clarifies the accounting treatment for digital assets stored or maintained by Digital Asset Businesses on behalf of their customers, January 27, 2023
— Available here: https://www.bma.bm/viewPDF/documents/2023-01-27-13-47-05-Notice---Accounting-Treatment-Client-Digital-Assets.pdf
#cryptoassets #digitalassets #digitalwallet #custody #regulation #accounting #internalcontrols #financialaccounting #governance #riskmanagement #audit #financialservices #banking #payments #Bermuda
#bermuda #payments #banking #financialservices #audit #riskmanagement #governance #financialaccounting #internalcontrols #accounting #regulation #custody #digitalwallet #digitalassets #cryptoassets
#BigBanks team up to launch #digitalwallet that can compete with #PayPal and #ApplePay
#applepay #paypal #digitalwallet #bigbanks
Bank of America, JPMorgan, Wells Fargo Collaborate to Launch Digital Wallet: Report - Seven major banks, including Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase, and Wells Fargo, hav... - https://news.bitcoin.com/bank-of-america-jpmorgan-wells-fargo-collaborate-to-launch-digital-wallet-report/ #bankofamericadigitalwallet #bankscompetingwithapplepay #bankscompetingwithpaypal #wellsfargodigitalwallet #jpmorgandigitalwallet #cryptocurrencywallet #bernsteinanalyst #digitalwallet #cryptowallet #applepay
#applepay #cryptowallet #digitalwallet #bernsteinanalyst #cryptocurrencywallet #jpmorgandigitalwallet #wellsfargodigitalwallet #bankscompetingwithpaypal #bankscompetingwithapplepay #bankofamericadigitalwallet