Big thanks to John Sexton, West Lothian Council and all the schools who joined today's Digital Schools webinar to explore the #DigitalSchoolAward & #DigitalWellbeingAward A great turnout & lots of excellent questions. Enjoy the follow-up workshops & enjoy the #DSA journey. I am looking forward to following your journey and seeing you celebrate your #DigitalSchoolsAwards 🏆 🥉 #schools #digital #webinar
#webinar #digital #schools #digitalschoolsawards #dsa #digitalwellbeingaward #digitalschoolaward
Thank you to everyone who attended the Digital Schools Awards webinar today from Dumfries and Galloway Council Schools. It was lovely to see you all and a brilliant turnout. Thank you for giving up your time to attend. Looking forward to seeing you presented with a #DigitalWellbeingAward #DigitalSchoolsAward in the not too distant future! Please keep in touch!
#digitalschoolsaward #digitalwellbeingaward