One day, one decomposition
A038772: Numbers not divisible by any of their digits
3D graph, threejs - webGL ➡️
2D graph, first 500 terms ➡️
#decompwlj #maths #mathematics #sequence #OEIS #javascript #php #3D #numbers #divisible #digits #graph #threejs #webGL
#webgl #threejs #graph #digits #divisible #numbers #3d #php #javascript #oeis #sequence #mathematics #maths #decompwlj
One day, one decomposition
A038770: Numbers divisible by at least one of their digits
3D graph, threejs - webGL ➡️
2D graph, first 500 terms ➡️
#decompwlj #maths #mathematics #sequence #OEIS #javascript #php #3D #numbers #divisible #digits #graph #threejs #webGL
#webgl #threejs #graph #digits #divisible #numbers #3d #php #javascript #oeis #sequence #mathematics #maths #decompwlj
One day, one decomposition
A038528: If n has decimal expansion abc...d, with k digits, let f(n) be obtained by deleting all k's from abc...d, closing up and deleting initial 0's; sequence gives n such that f(f(f(...(n)))) = 0 or empty
3D graph, threejs - webGL ➡️
2D graph, first 500 terms ➡️
#decompwlj #maths #mathematics #sequence #OEIS #javascript #php #3D #numbers #decimal #expansion #digits #graph #threejs #webGL
#webgl #threejs #graph #digits #expansion #decimal #numbers #3d #php #javascript #oeis #sequence #mathematics #maths #decompwlj
One day, one decomposition
A036301: Numbers whose sum of even digits and sum of odd digits are equal
3D graph, threejs - webGL ➡️
2D graph, first 500 terms ➡️
#decompwlj #maths #mathematics #sequence #OEIS #javascript #php #3D #numbers #sum #digits #graph #threejs #webGL
#webgl #threejs #graph #digits #SuM #numbers #3d #php #javascript #oeis #sequence #mathematics #maths #decompwlj
Digits #120 (15/15⭐)
55 (55) ➖➗✖✖➖
173 (173) ✖➖✖➕➖
246 (246) ➕✖➖➕➕
328 (328) ✖➖✖➖✖
424 (424) ✖✖➖➕➖
Goodbye, #nytimesdigits
#nytimesdigits #completionist #digits
Digits #117 (15/15⭐)
86 (86) ✖➕➕
136 (136) ✖➕➕➖➕
297 (297) ✖✖➖➖➖
321 (321) ➗➕✖✖➕
401 (401) ✖➕➖➖
Wordle 776 4/6
#digits #digits117 #wordle #wordle776
jesus christ digits was a slog today
Digits #116 (15/15⭐)
63 (63) ✖✖➕➕
172 (172) ✖➗➖
251 (251) ➖➖✖➕
316 (316) ➖✖✖➖
458 (458) ✖➖➖➖➕
#digits #digits116
Wordle 775 4/6
#digits #digits116 #wordle #wordle775
Digits #114 (15/15⭐)
51 (51) ✖➕
155 (155) ➕✖➕
252 (252) ✖➖➖
347 (347) ✖✖➖➖
412 (412) ➕✖➕➕
Wordle 773 3/6
#wordle #wordle773 shot in the dark there
#digits #digits114 #wordle #wordle773
Digits #113 (15/15⭐)
55 (55) ➕✖➕
193 (193) ➕✖➕➖
228 (228) ✖➖➕
342 (342) ✖➖➖✖
422 (422) ➕✖➖➕
Wordle 772 3/6
#digits #digits113 #wordle #wordle772
Digits #109 (15/15⭐)
54 (54) ✖➕
192 (192) ✖➕➕➖
283 (283) ✖✖➕➖
317 (317) ✖✖➕➕
414 (414) ➖✖✖
Wordle 768 3/6
#digits #digits109 #wordle #wordle768
Which reminds me, any suggestions of a similarly shareable #NumbersGame for when #Digits closes?
#numbergames #numbergame #digits #NumbersGame
Digits #108 (15/15⭐)
77 (77) ✖➕
175 (175) ➕✖➖
287 (287) ✖➕➕
396 (396) ➕➕✖➖
414 (414) ✖➕➕
#digits #digits108
Wordle 767 2/6
My starting word served me well!
#digits #digits108 #wordle #wordle767
Digits #107 (15/15⭐)
81 (81) ✖✖➕
106 (106) ✖➖➖
238 (238) ✖➕➕
384 (384) ➖➕✖✖
413 (413) ➖✖✖➖
#digits #digits107 goddamn that last one was tough
Wordle 766 3/6
#digits #digits107 #wordle #wordle766
Digits #106 (15/15⭐)
89 (89) ✖➖➖
136 (136) ✖➖➖➕➖
251 (251) ✖➖➖➕➖
315 (315) ✖✖➕➕➕
495 (495) ✖➖
Wordle 765 5/6
#digits #digits106 #wordle #wordle765
You might have noticed I've been posting my daily #digits results here, started as a way to keep track.
Now the game is going to stop, and I'm looking for an alternative.
Any suggestions?
Wordle 764 3/6
Digits #105 (15/15⭐)
52 (52) ✖➖➕
118 (118) ✖➖✖➖
273 (273) ✖✖➕➕
335 (335) ➕✖✖➖➕
463 (463) ✖➖➗➖➖
#wordle #wordle764 #digits #digits105
Digits #104 (15/15⭐)
85 (85) ✖➕
105 (105) ✖➖➖
276 (276) ✖➕➕➖
321 (321) ➕✖➖➕
428 (428) ➕➕✖➖➕
Wordle 763 6/6
#wordle #wordle763 I chose the word that would make me most angry if I didn't choose it and managed to get it
#digits #digits104 #wordle #wordle763
One day, one decomposition
A033015: Numbers whose base-2 expansion has no run of digits with length < 2
3D graph, threejs - webGL ➡️
2D graph, first 500 terms ➡️
#decompwlj #maths #mathematics #sequence #OEIS #javascript #php #3D #numbers #base #expansion #run #digits #graph #threejs #webGL
#webgl #threejs #graph #digits #run #expansion #base #numbers #3d #php #javascript #oeis #sequence #mathematics #maths #decompwlj
Digits #103 (15/15⭐)
76 (76) ✖➕
164 (164) ➕✖➖➗➕
203 (203) ➕✖➖➕
379 (379) ✖✖➖➖
493 (493) ✖✖➖➖➖
#digits #digits103 I wonder if I could duplicate this programmatically
Wordle 762 4/6
#wordle #wordle762 I probably should have got to that answer before the previous try =_=
#digits #digits103 #wordle #wordle762
Digits #102 (15/15⭐)
56 (56) ✖➕➕
137 (137) ✖✖➖➕
254 (254) ✖✖➖➖
338 (338) ➕➕✖➕
417 (417) ➕✖➖➖➖
#digits #digits102 Shame this is going away I have a lot of fun with digits
Wordle 761 5/6
#wordle #wordle761 almost got screwed there
#digits #digits102 #wordle #wordle761