A ‘Good Death’?
Oddly, the word that comes to mind is Euthanasia. The word originates from the Greek "eu-thanatos", good death. It started out with an essay written in 1870 by a Samuel Williams in which he suggested that
"in all cases of hopeless and painful illness, the medical attendant was to administer chloroform to destroy consciousness and p
#DeathCaf #Life #AssistedDying #AssistedSuicide #Dignitas #DignityInDying #Euthanasia #Methodist
#Methodist #euthanasia #dignityindying #dignitas #assistedsuicide #assisteddying #life #deathcaf
Mum died a year ago today.
She was 94, had cancer and was ready to go. My sadness (and anger) relate to the manner of her dying more than her being gone.
This article's harrowing story echoes much of what mum (and I) experienced in her last few months. I wish that no-one else ever had to go through what she (and her family) did. 😢#DignityinDying #EndofLifeCareMy mum’s death was slow and painful – she deserved the choice to end her life | Ella Creamer | The Guardian
#dignityindying #endoflifecaremy
#Mayflies (BBC Scotland and iPlayer) should be compulsory viewing for all MPs, Judges, CPS and DPP lawyers.
We need #DignityInDying legislation in the UK.
The terminally ill must be able to chose their exit on their own terms. We don’t allow our companion animals to suffer half as much as we expect our human partners and family members to put up with…
“Organiser [religious] opposition has blocked our right to die with dignity at a time of our choosing. Meanwhile, people suffer needlessly.”
But a growing number of believers *do* now support #AssistedDying for terminally ill, mentally competent adults for principled theological & ethical reasons as #DignityInDying will confirm.
#dignityindying #assisteddying
Campaign for Dignity in Dying.
The Health and Social Care Select Committee will be undertaking an inquiry into assisted dying. As part of this, it has opened a public consultation.
Here, you will find info to quickly and easily respond to the six consultation questions:
Here's the survey:
It only take a few mins - if you feel strongly about the issue, now is the time to make your voice heard.
Campaign for Dignity in Dying.
The Health and Social Care Select Committee will be undertaking an inquiry into assisted dying. As part of this, it has opened a public consultation.
Here, you will find info to quickly and easily respond to the six consultation questions:
Here's the survey:
It only take a few mins - if you feel strongly about the issue, now is the time to make your voice heard.
Absolutely ridiculous: compassionate mum arrested after helping a stranger travel to Switzerland to carry out assisted suicide
#mydeathmychoice #dignityindying