Not many know this, but there's a dangerous chemical around the world called #DihydrogenMonoxide that's contaminated the entire world's water supply, covering 71% of the world's surface (so far), and it makes up 90% of blood plasma! 😱
I can't even go for a swim around my home island #Rottnest without swimming in dihydrogen monoxide! :GeordieHa:
It's incredibly alarming that nothing is being done to stop the spread of #DihydrogenMonoxide (DHMO). It's a major component of acid rain, is present in 60% of the human body, and has already polluted 71% of Planet Earth! 🌎🌍🌏
Presto! Qualcuno avvisi #Salvini che, ben più pericoloso dell'ammoniaca (che poi sarebbe carbonato d'ammonio, ma vabbé), negli #Oreo è stato trovato il nefasto monossido di diidrogeno!!!
Sono sconvolto!
Ho paura!
Salvini salvaci tu!
#salvini #oreo #dihydrogenmonoxide #monossidodidiidrogeno