Kotaku: Witcher Producer Says Writers Do Respect The Books, Misspells Character's Name https://kotaku.com/the-witcher-season-3-finale-henry-cavill-discourse-1850708037 #gaming #tech #kotaku #entertainmentculture #javiergrillomarxuach #witcherseasonthree #andrzejsapkowski #draftthewitcher #alyssamercante #geraltofrivia #liamhemsworth #henrycavill #blamesyoung #thewitcher #dijkstra #marxuach #witcher #dykstra #netflix #geralt #grillo
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #entertainmentculture #javiergrillomarxuach #witcherseasonthree #andrzejsapkowski #draftthewitcher #alyssamercante #geraltofrivia #liamhemsworth #henrycavill #blamesyoung #thewitcher #dijkstra #marxuach #witcher #dykstra #netflix #geralt #grillo
📢 Join now (7pm ET Wed) to watch Lesson 24: Introduction to Algorithms by Mohammad Hajiaghayi! 📚 "#Dijkstra #Singlesource #shortestpath and its proof by #induction." 🎥Watch here: https://youtu.be/GE8Zo-x-Ynk . Subscribe to YouTube @hajiaghayi for future lessons!)
#induction #shortestpath #singlesource #dijkstra
#TIL about "Dijkstra Maps"
TLDR a map of the the "costs" (time/effort) associated with traversing each node/edge of a space to a specified location.
Commonly applied to video games pathfinding AI (eg Dijkstra's). Neat use cases in adding factors to influence NPC AI behavior (eg fleeing monsters).
It makes me wonder if there is an equivalent in graph theory and thus applicable to real life domains of graph theory.
#til #graphtheory #pathfinding #ai #dijkstra
Playing around with the #Dijkstra #algorithm to find shortest paths between two bands on #metal archives similar artists #network.
I think I did it right?
Got any test cases you want me to try?
#network #metal #algorithm #dijkstra
Creating an Adjacency Matrix Using the Dijkstra Algorithm for Graph Convolutional Networks GCNs #Python #DataScience #Dijkstra #neuralnetworks https://thomasafink.medium.com/creating-an-adjacency-matrix-using-the-dijkstra-algorithm-for-graph-convolutional-networks-gcns-cc84c37e297
#python #datascience #dijkstra #neuralnetworks
From GPS navigation to network-layer link-state routing, Dijkstra’s Algorithm powers some of the most taken-for-granted modern services.
"Dijkstra’s Shortest Path Algorithm in Python" by Micah Shute 👉 🔗 https://www.cantorsparadise.com/dijkstras-shortest-path-algorithm-in-python-d955744c7064
#ShortestPath #Algorithm #ShortestPathAlgorithm #Python #Dijkstra #GPS #Network #Navigation #GPSNavigation
#gpsnavigation #navigation #network #gps #dijkstra #python #shortestpathalgorithm #algorithm #shortestpath
#Dijkstra was so annoying that sometimes I forget how illuminating he could be.
" #Dijkstra claimed to show impossibility of a program that sets value of variable \[{\displaystyle x} \] to an arbitrary positive integer.[1] However, in dynamic logic with assignment and the * operator, \[ {\displaystyle x}\] can be set to an arbitrary positive integer with the dynamic logic program \[{\displaystyle (x\mathbin {:=} 0)\mathbin {;} (x:=x+1){*}}\] Hence we must either reject Dijkstra's argument or hold that the * operator is not effective."
The humble programmer": this is one of my favorite lecture by one of my favorite computer scientists, Edsger W. Dijkstra (I'm infinitely grateful to the person who let me discover it some time ago!).
"The competent programmer is fully aware of the strictly limited size of his own skull; therefore he approaches the programming task in full humility, and among other things he avoids clever tricks like the plague."
#thehumbleprogrammer #edsgerdijkstra #dijkstra
Advent of Code Day 12 — Hill Climbing Algorithm
The title says it all. It's a "shortest path" puzzle, you're meant to use Dijkstra's algorithm, and the puzzle has no curve balls to toss at you.
#adventofcode #advent #dijkstra #python #vscode
My solution for day 12... #AdventOfCode2022 #Kotlin #dijkstra
#dijkstra #kotlin #adventofcode2022
My solution for day 12... #AdventOfCode2022 #Kotlin #dijkstra
#dijkstra #kotlin #adventofcode2022
@cipher In the words of E.W. #Dijkstra :
> We could, for instance, begin with cleaning up our language by no longer calling a bug a bug but by calling it an error. It is much more honest because it squarely puts the blame where it belongs, viz. with the programmer who made the error...
I've completed "Hill Climbing Algorithm" with #Dijkstra and #golang - Day 12 - Advent of Code 2022 https://adventofcode.com/2022/day/12 #AdventOfCode
#dijkstra #golang #adventofcode
Instead of #Dijkstra's algorithm, I used the flood fill algorithm. The last time I have used it was for my #battlesnake more than one year ago, so it saved me a lot of time today.
Instead of #Dijkstra's algorithm, I used the flood fill algorithm. The last time I have used it was for my #battlesnake more than one year ago, so it saved me a lot of time today.
Instead of #Dijkstra's algorithm, I used the flood fill algorithm. The last time I have used it was for my #battlesnake more than one year ago, so it saved me a lot of time today.