Malía – Faz Uma Loucura Por Mim (Ao Vivo No Rio De Janeiro / 2018)
#2018 #ao #auto-retrato #Dilema #Escuta #Faz #Fazumaloucurapormim #igualàvocê #imaturo #international #Janeiro #Jão #Loucura #Ltda. #MALIA #maria #mebeijacomraiva #Mim #mpb #Music #palavrasdeamigo #pop #por #r&b #rio #Rodriguinho #sonhoseplanos #toca #UMA #universal #VIVO #voumorrersozinho
#ao #auto #dilema #escuta #faz #fazumaloucurapormim #igualavoce #imaturo #international #janeiro #jao #loucura #ltda #malia #maria #mebeijacomraiva #mim #mpb #music #palavrasdeamigo #pop #por #r #rio #rodriguinho #sonhoseplanos #toca #uma #universal #vivo #voumorrersozinho
21:10 - Han doa Joxe beste portal horretara, Amazonentzako lan egitera dohainik. Txirrina jo baina ez dit inor erantzun 🙄🙄🙄
Amazonek, noski, ez du inolako biderik eskaintzen harekin harremanetan jartzeko, norberak egindako erosketa batengatik ez bada.
😎 Трохи про залежність від Twitter, яка вироблялася роками й до чого це призводить
👉 У Штатах є крутий суспільний мовник – NPR (National Public Radio) – вони дійсно створюють якісний контент.
Й вони дуже повірили в Twitter з самого його початку – станом на 2023 рік в NPR є .... 50 різних акаунтів з аудиторією більш як 17 мільйонів користувачів.
Але тут прийшов Маск...
Ось історія про це:
Sobre a importância de dizer não
Confira! 👇
#JuFerraz #ImporLimites #DizerNão #Dilema #DesenvolvimentoPessoal #Colunas #Carreira
#juferraz #imporlimites #dizernao #dilema #desenvolvimentopessoal #colunas #carreira
#SelvaDilema - a married couple lives in different countries due to work reasons. One day the wife calls her husband’s sibling to talk about things in the relationship with the husband including the fact that she was planning to come to his country without notice, making him a surprise.
From the conversation the sibling could sense that something else was going on. Maybe an affair? Afterwards the sibling text the brother.
What would you tell him? #opinion #question #thoughts #Dilema
#dilema #thoughts #question #opinion #selvadilema
Sitting here pushing my daughter (17 months) in her basement swing. She’s just pooped. There are two flights of stairs between me and her changing pad. How long am I allowed to sit here before I have to venture forth to change her? #parenting #dilema
Now the big question is do I go to the gym after lunch or have drinks in the sun ☀️? #dilema
I tant que #JoSocCDR! Passa que també #JoSócDiacrític. Ai quin #dilema!
#josoccdr #josócdiacrític #dilema