A podcast with Sam Altman explores artificial intelligence's ethical and existential dilemmas. It asks whether we should and can put the brakes on AI development before it’s too late. It also examines AI's potential benefits and risks for humanity and the planet.
RT @TielenLinda: Vandaag mocht Maaike, verpleegkundige #Hospice Balade @StichtingPrisma , het boek "Leven toevoegen aan dagen" @shossontwits in ontvangst nemen. #dialoog #erbijhoren #dilemmas #openhartig #dankjewel Mogelijk gemaakt door het Fonds ‘Astrid maakt mogelijk’.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/LvNistelrooij/status/1638898599001042945
#Hospice #dialoog #erbijhoren #dilemmas #openhartig #Dankjewel
Es ist jedoch wichtig zu beachten, dass KI nicht immer in der Lage ist, komplexe #moralische und #ethische #Dilemmas zu lösen und es auch nicht die #Verantwortung von #Menschen ersetzt, die diese Entscheidungen treffen müssen. Es ist wichtig, dass KI-Entscheidungen von Menschen überprüft und kontrolliert werden, um sicherzustellen, dass sie ethisch und moralisch korrekt sind.…
#menschen #verantwortung #dilemmas #ethische #moralische
Really wanna call my waitress back over here to swap the Jack and coke she just gave me out for a sangria because it’s all Jack and like no coke. But I had just asked her to give me the Jack and coke as a replacement for a shitty way too sour citrusy mocktail and I don’t wanna be THAT customer. But I also don’t wanna pay for something I’m not gonna touch again after first sip. #dammit #audhd #dilemmas #ugh
5 #ethical #dilemmas you need to grapple with before you can effect real change https://www.fastcompany.com/90820687/5-ethical-dilemmas-you-need-to-grapple-with-before-you-can-affect-real-change?utm_source=feedly&utm_medium=webfeeds #book #SocialChange #ethics #ChangeManagement via @FastCompany@twitter.com
#ethical #dilemmas #book #socialchange #ethics #changemanagement
hi #commodons and #lawons (?!) One of the questions swirling in my mind these days is: in which cases does a word or statement become the subject of criminal law? How can we eliminate hate speech while protecting #freedomofexpression? Can you suggest useful scientific studies, both theoretical and practical, on the punishment of #hatespeech and the paradoxical relationship between freedom of expression and hate speech? #hate speech #criminallaw #media #freedomofspeech #paradoxes #dilemmas
#dilemmas #paradoxes #freedomofspeech #media #criminallaw #hate #hatespeech #freedomofexpression #lawons #commodons
Logjamming on what to work on, because I need to move about 6 things forward concurrently.
#dilemmas #programming #documentation #infrastructure
#infrastructure #documentation #programming #dilemmas
OK folks - I am considering deactivating my bird account. I know there isn’t anything on there apart from a few connections that is of any value, but why do I feel so torn about leaving?
It is very irrational. Is it worth downloading my data?
#dilemmas #LeavingTwitter #Help
#dilemmas #LeavingTwitter #Help
Do I start from scratch and get a better quality of Follows like Emma or, do I carry people over from Twitter (some of whom are really good people). Not sure how much time I've got to be discerning with copying the Twitter crowd over.
Hi! 👋🏻 I‘m 41 y old, philosopher and interested in all kinds of aporetic logical structures (#dilemmas, #contradictions, #paradoxes…).
I‘m currently working at TU Braunschweig in the project „Dilemmas of Sustainability“ and I’m also a lecturer at BU Wuppertal, mostly #phenomenology, #hermeneutics and #history of philosophy. Besides, I write books about philosophy.
Hobbies include #music, #cycling, #martialart and mixing #cocktails – Cheers!
#dilemmas #contradictions #paradoxes #phenomenology #hermeneutics #history #music #cycling #martialart #cocktails
Bedroom and second monitor ,or living room and sunlight? #HomeOffice #dilemmas
Bedroom and second monitor ,or living room and sunlight? #HomeOffice #dilemmas
Quite shocked to learn the amount of black academics in the UK by percentage is so low, it's not even 1%
Another real powerful insight from @JALamptey@twitter.com
RT @JALamptey@twitter.com
3 Inclusion Dilemmas That I've Struggled With....
Click the link to LISTEN NOW!
#podcast #research #elementofinclusion #elementofinclusiopodcast #diversity #inclusion #d&i #EDI #dilemmas
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/JALamptey/status/1419983737106927618
#podcast #research #elementofinclusion #elementofinclusiopodcast #diversity #inclusion #d #edi #dilemmas
RT @JALamptey@twitter.com
3 Inclusion Dilemmas That I've Struggled With....
Click the link to LISTEN NOW!
#podcast #research #elementofinclusion #elementofinclusiopodcast #diversity #inclusion #d&i #EDI #dilemmas
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/JALamptey/status/1419983737106927618
#podcast #research #elementofinclusion #elementofinclusiopodcast #diversity #inclusion #d #edi #dilemmas
I have been lazy in social media lately so a proper introduction should do. :) I am from #Poland (#polska), I work in #science. I am a #linux user since years. A #minimalist in spe. #vim ;). I have #dilemmas about internet use and #privacy. Did I say #vim?
#poland #polska #science #linux #minimalist #vim #dilemmas #privacy