We have an occasional hedgehog visitor, whom I've named Spiny Norman. He (I checked) likes dry cat food immensely.
I made him a hedgehog house, which is in need of upgrades, but it appears to only be used by the occasional cat.
#SpinyNorman #Dimsdale!
Apparently, buried in the ivy under the hedges is an ideal location, and the examples of hedgehog houses I saw should be easy enough to reproduce.
We have plenty of snails in the area, I stepped on one as I was messing with Norman. I'm sure he'll clean it up. Dry food will also be on offer.
(I've decided Spiny Norman is a boy, until proven otherwise) #Dimsdale
A hedgehog house in the hedges.
Another long term project, another Not Our Cat. Who'da thunk? π
OK. So you know how we have the 3 Not Our Cats that come around, right?
This is most definitely Not Our Cat!
I have already named it Spiny Norman, regardless of gender.
#spinynorman #dimsdale #hedgehogsofmastodon