Just on my way home from #DINAcon22 . Had cool talks about the future of mobility. I especially enjoyed the awesome keynote by Leandro von Werra from #huggingface about big code. Thank you #DINAcon
#dinacon22 #huggingface #dinacon
David Sommer und Tanja Klankert von @digiges zeigen an der #DINAcon22 auf, welche Fallstricke, Rettungsseile und Ausblicke automatisierte Entscheidungssysteme (ADM) mit sich bringen. Positionspapier aus https://www.digitale-gesellschaft.ch/2022/02/21/digitale-gesellschaft-veroeffentlicht-positionspapier-mit-einem-konkreten-vorschlag-fuer-einen-rechtlichen-rahmen-automatisierte-entscheidungssysteme/ #DINAcon
A laptop is more than just a tool, it opens perspectives, helps people find their way back into a career or even into society. "Social help is very unequal in Switzerland", with 26 different laws and notable examples of policy related disenfranchisement. Tobias asks us to help fix this map at the #HACKnight - and be a part of the solution, rather than the problem #DINAcon https://hacknight.dinacon.ch/project/63
137 million #OpenSource repositories of 92 terabyte source code data from #GitHub: Very impressive how much code is being processed for the @huggingface #BigCode project! https://huggingface.co/bigcode Presented by #LeandroVonWerra at #DINAcon22 #dinacon in Bern: https://dinacon.ch
#OpenSource #GitHub #bigcode #leandrovonwerra #dinacon22 #dinacon
Morgen Nachmittag gehts los: #DINAcon 2022 in Bern mit #HuggingFace @huggingface Machine Learning Engineer Leandro von Werra, Tobias Schär vom Verein "Wir lernen weiter", Miro Dietiker von MD Systems GmbH und Gabriele Fackler von Reflexivity AG, viele spannende Speakers zu Mobilität und Mobilitätsdaten, Tanja Klankert und David Sommer von @digiges u.v.m. Programm hier: https://dinacon.ch/programm-2022/
Is there something like a workflow hackathon already? Would be great to find some references for this project template we proposed for next week's #DINAcon https://hacknight.dinacon.ch/project/55
Heute in einer Woche, Mittwoch, 23. November 2022 findet die Konferenz für digitale Nachhaltigkeit #DINAcon 2022 in Bern statt: Zahlreiche spannende Speakers stellen Themen wie #OpenSource #MachineLearning (#HuggingFace), ICT-Hardware und Nachhaltigkeit ("Wir lernen weiter") und Barrierefreiheit (#Inklusivität) vor. Auch #OpenGovernmentData #OGD ist mit ASTRA, swisstopo, SBB, Stadt Zürich, myBuxi etc. prominent vertreten. Tickets und Programm auf https://dinacon.ch
#dinacon #OpenSource #machinelearning #huggingface #inklusivitat #opengovernmentdata #OGD
In 7 days we're meeting up to discover and contribute to open source projects in Bern CH. Join us at https://dinacon.ch & stay for the #DINAcon #HACKnight
The awesome folks at Dreamspace Academy made this wonderful parting gift 🥰 #dinacon
Swam in ocean for the first time and snorkelled for the first time, thanks to encouraging and knowledgable friends. To celebrate, collected some sad treasure in the form of very dead coral 🙁
Preview of a little intro to Unity workshop we will be running at #dinacon Monday and Tuesday.
First stab at a house crow, a common sight here in Batticaloa. Need to explore the #dinacon grounds tomorrow and get some more reference :P
In prep for #Dinacon I’ve been learning Rust and the Bevy engine. It’ll be much more limiting than Unity but fully open source and a great chance to learn tech I would like to use going forward!