As I cannot get this platform to allow me to edit my bio, I’m on Threads, y’all. Please join me there, if interested. Same handle @AnneMurata . Photo: at the recent #dinerenblanc Honolulu event! Was smashing 👍🏼😘
“I have to call you back, I’m at Dîner en Blanc Honolulu!” 🤣🥂❤️ It was quite a soirée this year. Back after Covid hiatus. The “secret location” was “Dinosaur country”—beautiful Kualoa Ranch and a good time was had by all! Host @djmaleko did an amazing job.🥂⭐️🙌🏾 #debhnl #dinerenblanc #hawaii #Party
#debhnl #dinerenblanc #hawaii #Party
Ich hoffe, ich trete nicht versehentlich einer Sekte bei. #BadHonnef #DinerEnBlanc
Your host @djmaleko in his element! #dinerenblanc #honolulu Tavana and his music killed!
So this happened last night ❤️ The return of Dîner en Blanc Honolulu, best bougie party of the year!🥂Co-host @djmaleko did an awesome job. Tavana and other musical entertainers rocked the ranch. And a great time was had by all 🙌🏾🥂⭐️ #dinerenblanc #honolulu
Hannover wartet mit vielen tollen Events auf. Zu den Highlights gehört das jährliche Diner en Blanc. Die Teilnehmer*innen erfahren erst eine halbe Stunde vor Beginn den Ort des Geschehens, um dann mit Tisch und Stuhl und Trank und Speis und ganz in weiß aufzutauchen und in eine zauberhafte Atmosphäre einzutauchen. Gestern Abend fand es vor dem Neuen Rathaus statt. Augenweide und Seelenbaumeln. Habt ein schönes Wochenende.
#dinerenblanc #hannover #stadtkind
#dinerenblanc #hannover #Stadtkind
So anyway, if you want a taste of #entitlement, #DinerEnBlanc came to #Tampa tonight. Apparently it's a thing where a few hundred people dress in white head to toe, then take over a public space to have dinner. It's like #OccupyWallStreet for Wall Street.
Given how many #homeless people in Tampa have died this year, it seems particularly tasteless, and that's without discussing how tacky it is to have an unpermitted event that selfishly occupies public spaces.
#homeless #occupywallstreet #tampa #dinerenblanc #entitlement