Are boutique bass owners out of control?
#bass #dingwall #headlines #bbcnews
#bbcnews #headlines #dingwall #bass
A misty and overcast day heading over to explore the mainland. First stop this morning was the always excellent Midge Bite Cafe in #Achnasheen. Coffee and cakes for the journey.
On the left the #A832 winds towards #Dingwall and #Inverness, on the right, the #Kyle of Lochalsh railway line mirrors the road and makes a similar journey through the #Highlands
#railways #mist #scottishlandscapes #scotland #highlands #kyle #inverness #dingwall #a832 #achnasheen
Statue commemorating the Highland drovers at Dingwall.
This sculpture is one of my favourites. Today it was looking particularly stunning as it was caught in the light of the low, early morning winter sun.
You can read more about the sculpture and find out more about the Highland drovers at:
#statue #sculpture #highlandcow #rossshire #dingwall #Drover #highlanddrover
What an absolutely glorious morning walking from Dingwall this morning. Cold, with lots of ice and snow but a clear sky with a golden winter sun climbing over the Black Isle.
I was delighted to have caught the sunlight on the river Conon/Cromarty Firth in the middle of the photo.
#cromartyfirth #rivercon9n #rossshire #dingwall
Dominik Gusch of Induction live on stage at Konzertfabrik Z7 Pratteln/Switzerland, 24 November 2022.
#lepsysphotos #lepsysphotography #mcsaxonphotography #concertphoto #concertphotography #concertphotographer #hobbyphotographer #hobbyconcertphotography #liveperformance #livephoto #stageperformance #induction #inductionlive #dominikgusch #lepsysfavouriteband #bassplayer #bassguitarist #bassguitar #dingwall #atomicfirerecords #bornfromfire #pyramidstrings
#lepsysphotos #lepsysphotography #mcsaxonphotography #concertphoto #concertphotography #concertphotographer #HobbyPhotographer #hobbyconcertphotography #liveperformance #LivePhoto #stageperformance #induction #inductionlive #dominikgusch #lepsysfavouriteband #bassplayer #bassguitarist #bassguitar #dingwall #atomicfirerecords #bornfromfire #pyramidstrings
Dingwall - happed in mist, this afternoon
#dingwall #rossshire #highland #scotland #mist
#mist #scotland #highland #rossshire #dingwall
This is what our local Ben should look like. Instead it was 13 degrees C and the minuscule scrap of snow that was on the tops has gone. # Scotland #ScottishHighlands #EasterRoss #CromartyFirth #Dingwall BlackIsle #ScotlandPhotography #Winter #WinterInScotland #SnowOnTheMountain #NoFilter #ClimateCrisis
#scottishhighlands #easterross #cromartyfirth #dingwall #ScotlandPhotography #winter #winterinscotland #SnowontheMountain #nofilter #climatecrisis
At Ferrypoint, Dingwall. Looking down the firth towards the Cromarty. bridge.
#firth #cromarty #ferrypoint #dingwall
Tha fear à Inbhir Pheofharain air nochdadh ann an Cùirt an t-Siorraim ann an Inbhir Nis fo chasaid gun do thug e iomradh air oifigearan-poilis le cainnt a bha ri gràin co-sheòrsachd agus gun do thilg e smugaid orra.
Leugh an-còrr:
#LGBTQIA #LGBTQ #LBGT #Gèidheil #NaidheachdanLGDT #LGBTNews #Naidheachdan #News #InbhirPheofharain #Dingwall #InbhirNis #Invernesss #AGhàidhealtachd #Highlands #Gàidhlig #Gaelic @gaidhlig
#gaelic #gaidhlig #highlands #aghaidhealtachd #invernesss #InbhirNis #dingwall #inbhirpheofharain #news #naidheachdan #lgbtnews #naidheachdanlgdt #geidheil #lbgt #lgbtq #lgbtqia
Ross, Skye & Lochaber is first Scottish Westminster constituency to reach 200 signatures on Wild Justice petition calling for shortening of Woodcock shooting season
Thank you - total signatures close to 65,000.
#dingwall #mallaig #lochalsh #rhum #eigg
#eigg #rhum #lochalsh #mallaig #dingwall