RAGE: In a Nantucket fundraiser for @MassGovernor
Maura Healey,
donors become enraged when a wine party is disrupted by a protest from @ClimateDefiance
over Healey’s support for fossil fuels.
Boston real estate titan Bruce Percelay to a protestor: "I don't care if you die.”
via S Donziger https://twitter.com/SDonziger/status/1694139765086416932
#bribery #fascism #climatedefense #climateactivists #bougie #dinnerparty #worldburns #oilprofitpolicy #nantucket #governor
#bribery #fascism #climatedefense #climateactivists #bougie #dinnerparty #worldburns #oilprofitpolicy #nantucket #governor
There are very few things more pleasant in life than the murmur of intelligent conversations at a good dinner party.
#conviviality #intelligentconversation #dinnerparty
Invitations to our murder mystery dinner party are going out today. We hosted one last year and it was so much fun. We use sets from the late 80’s / early 90’s. I just love putting together the party, costumes and invites. It brings me a lot of joy. 🤓
The #persian food was a great success! Everything came out very well and the guests were most appreciative. I will definitely be making these dishes again #DinnerParty
Now to start the bread. This is the bit I’m most nervous about #Cooking #DinnerParty
Ice cream coming along nicely. I listened to all the advice you offered and chose to stir every hour. Unfortunately I have had to lick the spoon after stirring 👅 It sucks to be the chef 😉 #cooking #DinnerParty
My plan for tomorrow is to get up quite a bit earlier and start freezing my chilled ice cream mix. Then I want to do a treadmill run and shower. After that I need to go into town to buy the things I forgot to buy today (I didn’t make a list, childish error) then cook cook cook! I’m trying my hand at making traditional #Persian bread, this is quite ambitious for me but I am up for it. So I need to get that proving in good time. My guests will arrive for drinks at 5pm to eat at 6pm #DinnerParty
Phthalo Ruth on Instagram: "I mean...is it too much to ask? 🍾🥂💐🍜🍝🥘🫒🦐 #dinnerparty" https://www.instagram.com/p/CsTudo8O8SZ/
Just ate a #sardine sandwich. Mmm.
Recently I learned that "tinned fish" #DinnerParty events are a new thing these days.
The strangest things become trendy. Chi-chi imported sardines, mussels, etc. from Italy, Portugal and wherever... like a mini-buffet.
I suppose with fish stocks becoming more depleted, and wild fish becoming more expensive, this was perhaps inevitable.
We're having a sushi-based dinner party next week and since I don't like "fishy" stuff I always do something a little different.
I went beef nigiri before, but I'm not sure this time and while I can't do an actual tamagoyaki roll, I may play with egg as well as homemade udon.
Yesterday’s dinner party. Shredded duck egg rolls, maple orange roasted duck, lobster noodles. The egg roll and noodles recipe will be up soon, but here’s my whole roast duck recipe: https://www.triedandtruerecipe.com/orange-maple-roast-duck-recipe/
#food #recipe #dinner #cooking #recipe #recipes #DinnerParty
#food #recipe #dinner #cooking #recipes #dinnerparty
Partner and I are going to a get-together at a friend's house tonight. All the guests will be nonmonogamous people, all of whom we know.
Dinner is a potluck affair, and I volunteered to bake a cake. I got started last night, only to discover that I am out of the key ingredients I need. So today, I have to run to one of the specialty stores in town, and load up on baking supplies.
There will be baking today.
#baking #dinnerparty #nonmonogamy
Puh gestern im Shanghai-Club einen Mord aufgeklärt. Dazu gab es ein leckeres 3-Gänge-Menü vom Feinsten 😋
Vorspeise: Tofu in Tomatensoße mit gedämpften Brötchen
Hauptgang: gebratene Kräutersaitlinge (Pilz-Bulgogi) mit Duftreis und Wakame-Salat
Dessert: Kokos-Cupcakes mit Vanilleeis
Tofu-Rezept ist von Eat-This, der Rest aus dem Kochbuch "Asien vegan"
@vegan #goVegan #vegan #Krimidinner #Tofu #Pilze #Reis #Wakame #Dinnerparty
#govegan #vegan #krimidinner #tofu #pilze #reis #wakame #dinnerparty
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Live From House Arrest, It's Anna Delvey Hosting a Dinner Party Show https://jezebel.com/anna-delvey-dinner-party-talk-show-1850030166 #Jezebel #entertainment2cculture #alejandromayorkas #ottessamoshfegh #sambankmanfried #businesspeople #humaninterest #nc3a9esorokin #michaellewis #dinnerparty #annasorokin #jimmykimmel #annadelvey #elonmusk #madonna #twitter #netflix #sorokin #pagesix
#jezebel #entertainment2cculture #alejandromayorkas #ottessamoshfegh #SamBankmanFried #businesspeople #humaninterest #nc3a9esorokin #michaellewis #dinnerparty #annasorokin #jimmykimmel #annadelvey #elonmusk #madonna #Twitter #netflix #sorokin #pagesix
The Sunday dinner party had taken a *very* different turn than you or your wife had expected.
If anyone is looking for an easy, comforting cassoulet-ish lamb stew for a wet and windy December evening, I can’t recommend this Two Fat Ladies recipe highly enough. You can make it the day before, which is always a big win in my dinner party playbook #food #dinnerparty
Can’t freaking enjoy dining al fresco without the damned bugs biting up my legs. #DinnerParty
I have great friends. And they are often hungry!
#Friendsgiving #thankgsgiving #dinner #dinnerparty #turkeyday
#friendsgiving #thankgsgiving #dinner #dinnerparty #turkeyday