@repeattofade it was such a good episode, but I'm sad for Foundation v1 and for Glawen (I 💙 Dino Fetscher). I was so excited they had all this tech and were going to make a stand, and now 😔
#dinofetscher #spoilers #foundation
Gizmodo: 10 Reasons You Should Be Watching Foundation https://gizmodo.com/apple-tv-foundation-catch-up-season-2-lee-pace-1850718340 #archostvportablevideoplayerpvp #socialsciencefiction #foundationuniverse #isabellalaughland #dimitrileonidas #futurehistory #cassianbilton #salvorhardin #dinofetscher #davidsgoyer #jaredharris #isaacasimov #foundation #glawencurr #hariseldon #bendaniels #leahharvey #laurabirn #raesmith #belriose #sareth #becky #gaal
#archostvportablevideoplayerpvp #socialsciencefiction #foundationuniverse #isabellalaughland #dimitrileonidas #futurehistory #cassianbilton #salvorhardin #dinofetscher #davidsgoyer #jaredharris #isaacasimov #foundation #glawencurr #hariseldon #bendaniels #leahharvey #laurabirn #raesmith #belriose #sareth #becky #gaal
@chris here is a quick video of Dino Fetscher with a cat, in case you needed too much cuteness today!
#sexymenandcats #Cats #cute #dinofetscher
@thatmanmatt DINO!!!! Dino Festscher is effing amazing, sexy, and kind! 💙 I'm excited to see gays as badasses! 🌈🦾
#leepace #dinofetscher #gay #foundation
@mdonkin @Studiosax and Dino Fetscher is in season 2! he's gay, a stud, and quite charming as a person! 💙 #DinoFetscher #Foundation #AppleTV
#appletv #foundation #dinofetscher
@toze yeah, he played "Stanley" in a show called "Humans" on Channel 4 & AMC. that's how I first encountered him! 😍
#DinoFetscher #Stanley #Humans #androids #synths #shirtless #hunk #MrGayUK
#mrgayuk #hunk #shirtless #synths #androids #humans #stanley #dinofetscher