() sulle comunità energetiche: " per la fase operativa, ad oggi hanno aderito circa un centinaio di utenti"

Abbiamo contattato il presidente di per fare il punto sull'iniziativa del per la nascita delle comunità energetiche in città

() on energy communities: 'Ready for the operational phase, users have joined so far'

We contacted the president of to take stock of the municipality's initiative to establish energy communities in the city

5-5-2023 11:7 ilpescara.it/ ilpescara.it/attualita/diodati

#diodati #pescaraenergia #pronti #giulianodiodati #comune #aboutahundred #ilpescara

Last updated 2 years ago

Markoo :vivaldi_red: · @markoo
19 followers · 399 posts · Server social.vivaldi.net

Interesting article! worth reading!
[one of six]

"The origin of life on Earth is unknown. In the scientific field, two theories try to explain the mystery: Abiogenesis, preferred by most scientists, and panspermia, defended by a small but fierce circle of scholars. This article aims to explain what panspermia is and what are the reasons given by its supporters"


#science #astronomy #panspermia #spacescience #chemiverse #chemistry #michelediodati #diodati #popularscience

Last updated 2 years ago