#Diodati (#PescaraEnergia) sulle comunità energetiche: "#Pronti per la fase operativa, ad oggi hanno aderito circa un centinaio di utenti"
Abbiamo contattato il presidente di #PescaraEnergia #GiulianoDiodati per fare il punto sull'iniziativa del #Comune per la nascita delle comunità energetiche in città
#Diodati (#PescaraEnergia) on energy communities: 'Ready for the operational phase, #aboutahundred users have joined so far'
We contacted the president of #PescaraEnergia #GiulianoDiodati to take stock of the municipality's initiative to establish energy communities in the city
5-5-2023 11:7 #IlPescara https://www.ilpescara.it/ https://www.ilpescara.it/attualita/diodati-pescara-energia-comunita-energetiche.html
#diodati #pescaraenergia #pronti #giulianodiodati #comune #aboutahundred #ilpescara
Interesting article! worth reading!
[one of six]
"The origin of life on Earth is unknown. In the scientific field, two theories try to explain the mystery: Abiogenesis, preferred by most scientists, and panspermia, defended by a small but fierce circle of scholars. This article aims to explain what panspermia is and what are the reasons given by its supporters"
#science #astronomy #panspermia #spacescience #chemiverse #chemistry #MicheleDiodati #Diodati #popularscience
#science #astronomy #panspermia #spacescience #chemiverse #chemistry #michelediodati #diodati #popularscience