Un roman complexe qui suit le parcours d'un·e protagoniste, de l'écriture de sa thèse qui ne finit jamais et de ses trois amantes qui ont partagé sa vie et sur lesquelles notre protagoniste a certainement plusieurs théories. C'est un drôle de mélange que ce récit à la première personne (et à la narration dont on ne peut pas trop se fier) qui mélange des sortes de propositions intellectuelles parfois peut-être brillantes, parfois possiblement douteuses,
I've never met anyone that has the same taste in books as me, so let me know if you're a kindred spirit! #bookstodon
Top authors: #AnneCarson, #AzareenVanDerVlietOloomi, #DenisJohnson, #ReneeGladman, #MarciaDouglas, #RodrigoFresán, #DionneBrand, #MarkZDanielewski, #HalldórLaxness, #BenLerner
Top books: M. Douglas, The Marvellous Equations of the Dread; H. Hesse, Glass Bead Game; I. Calvino, If on a winter’s night a traveler; D. Brand, The Blue Clerk; N. Gaiman, American Gods
#benlerner #halldorlaxness #markzdanielewski #dionnebrand #rodrigofresan #marciadouglas #reneegladman #denisjohnson #azareenvandervlietoloomi #AnneCarson #bookstodon
Redoing this with new character limit! Partial taglist of important-to-me #theorists, #TheoristActivists, #PublicThinkers, #Philosophers (there is an emphasis here is the #theory to #praxis synergy):
#SaraAhmed #MonicaRMiller #AnthonyBPinn #ImaniPerry #JasbirKPuar #AchilleMbembe #JacquesDerrida #GayatryChakravortySpivak #ChristinaSharpe #ZakkiyahImaniJackson #KatherineMcKittrick #SylviaWynter #HortenseSpillers #TiffanyLethaboKing #JenniferCNash #AlexanderWeheliye #DionneBrand #HeatherPool #KateManne #JudithButler #TrishaRose #SaidiyaHartman #DonnaHaraway #bellhooks #PhilipDeloria #DeniseFerreiraDaSilva #AndreaSmith #AudraSimpson #JuliaSerano #MichelleAlexander #AudreLorde #KeeangaYahmattaTaylor #ToniMorrison #AliSmith (modern fiction writer, but I swear the most Derridean thinker I've run across) #MelissaHarrisPerry #SikivuHutchinson #AngelaDavis #ChristopherMDriscoll #ArenZAzura #MartinHaagland
#theorists #theoristactivists #publicthinkers #philosophers #theory #praxis #saraahmed #monicarmiller #anthonybpinn #imaniperry #jasbirkpuar #achillembembe #jacquesderrida #gayatrychakravortyspivak #christinasharpe #zakkiyahimanijackson #katherinemckittrick #sylviawynter #hortensespillers #tiffanylethaboking #jennifercnash #alexanderweheliye #dionnebrand #heatherpool #katemanne #judithbutler #trisharose #saidiyahartman #donnaharaway #bellhooks #philipdeloria #deniseferreiradasilva #andreasmith #audrasimpson #juliaserano #michellealexander #audrelorde #keeangayahmattataylor #tonimorrison #alismith #melissaharrisperry #sikivuhutchinson #angeladavis #christophermdriscoll #arenzazura #martinhaagland
to undo, to undo and undo and undo this infinitive
of arrears, their fissile mornings,
their fragile, fragile symmetries of gain and loss
Dionne Brand
From Ossuary II
#dionnebrand #poetry #poem #todayspoem
@DXMacGuffin Ooo! Okay, top 5 of last 5 years:
#MarciaDouglas, The Marvellous Equations of the Dread
#ItaloCalvino, If on a winter’s night a traveler
#ReneeGladman, Ravicka series (this is 4 books, but they're all super short)
#AzareenVanDerVlietOloomi, Call Me Zebra
#DionneBrand, The Blue Clerk
#marciadouglas #italocalvino #reneegladman #azareenvandervlietoloomi #dionnebrand
@ChrisCPS @bookstodon Honourable mentions for my top 7 of all time:
#MilanKundera, The Unbearable Lightness of Being
#AzareenVanDerVlietOloomi, Call Me Zebra
#DionneBrand, The Blue Clerk
#CanXue, Frontier
#Nabokov, Pale Fire
#Kafka, The Trial
#MarkZDanielewski, House of Leaves
#DavidFosterWallace, Infinite Jest
#PaulAnderson, Hunger's Brides
#NealStephenson, Anathem
#NeilGaiman, American Gods
#MaeveBinchy, Evening Class
#JackLondon, White Fang
#LucyMaudMontgomery, Anne of Green Gables series
#MilanKundera #azareenvandervlietoloomi #dionnebrand #CanXue #Nabokov #kafka #markzdanielewski #davidfosterwallace #paulanderson #nealstephenson #neilgaiman #maevebinchy #jacklondon #LucyMaudMontgomery
"This city hovers above the forty-third parallel; that's illusory of course."
first sentence of "What we all long for" by #DionneBrand on #isbnmaschine
Partial taglist of important-to-me #theorists:
#SaraAhmed #MonicaRMiller #AnthonyBPinn #ImaniPerry #AchilleMbembe #Derrida #ChristinaSharpe #ZakkiyahImaniJackson #KatherineMcKittrick #SylviaWynter #HortenseSpillers #TiffanyLethaboKing #JenniferCNash #JasbirPuar #AlexanderWeheliye #DionneBrand #HeatherPool #KateManne #JudithButler #TrishaRose #SaidiyaHartman #DonnaHaraway #bellhooks #PhilipDeloria #DeniseFerreiraDaSilva #AndreaSmith #AudraSimpson #ChristopherMDriscoll #ArenZAzura #MartinHaagland
#theorists #saraahmed #monicarmiller #anthonybpinn #imaniperry #achillembembe #derrida #christinasharpe #zakkiyahimanijackson #katherinemckittrick #sylviawynter #hortensespillers #tiffanylethaboking #jennifercnash #jasbirpuar #alexanderweheliye #dionnebrand #heatherpool #katemanne #judithbutler #trisharose #saidiyahartman #donnaharaway #bellhooks #philipdeloria #deniseferreiradasilva #andreasmith #audrasimpson #christophermdriscoll #arenzazura #martinhaagland
"She longed to hear Tuyen chipping and chiselling away next door."
last sentence of "What we all long for" by #DionneBrand on #isbnmaschine
And fave authors as hashtags: #AnneCarson #AzareenVanderVlietOloomi #DenisJohnson #ReneeGladman #MarciaDouglas #RodrigoFresán #DionneBrand #MarkZDanielewski #HalldórLaxness #BenLerner #bookstodon
#AnneCarson #azareenvandervlietoloomi #denisjohnson #reneegladman #marciadouglas #rodrigofresan #dionnebrand #markzdanielewski #halldorlaxness #benlerner #bookstodon
""You can really disappear, can't you?""
middle sentence of "What we all long for" by #DionneBrand on #isbnmaschine
@EJBrand Fun! Okay, I'm in. (I'm a Caribbean lit prof, so the following list tilts that way, and I see I'm initiating some of these hashtags on this platform 😄):
And yes, #JaneAusten
and #GeorgeEliot
and #TerryPratchett.
#terrypratchett #georgeeliot #JaneAusten #tiphanieyanique #maryseconde #earllovelace #alejocarpentier #ernabrodber #dionnebrand #gabrielgarciamarquez