Ann Arbor dioxane plume affecting dozens of drinking wells north of M-14, new map shows
by Lucas Smolcic Larson
#michigan #washtenaw #annarbor #dioxane #water
New study highlights exposure risks in #ScioTownship & #AnnArbor basements from the #GelmanSciences 1,4 #dioxaneplume. Thousands of lbs of #dioxane were discharged by #Gelman to soil, surface water, & groundwater at the site. According to the #EPA, #14dioxane is hazardous to human health & repeated exposures increase the risks of kidney & liver damage, miscarriage or fetal death, & possibly cancer.
#environment #news #14dioxane #epa #gelman #dioxane #dioxaneplume #gelmansciences #annarbor #sciotownship
#AnnArbor, MI - New testing at a home north of Skyline High School revealed #dioxane, a likely carcinogen, above the state #drinkingwater standard in a res drinking water well >1mile north of the est boundary of the #Gelman plume. The #pollution has spread in local #groundwater for decades. The well is located <½mile from the #HuronRiver & test results show the plume appears to be moving toward Barton Pond, a major source of A2-area drinking water.
#news #environment
#environment #news #huronriver #groundwater #pollution #gelman #drinkingwater #dioxane #annarbor
Not great news from my homestate about the dioxane plume that's been slowly spreading under part of Ann Arbor, Michigan for decades: Dioxane has turned up in a residential groundwater well in Ann Arbor Township more than 1 mile north of the plume's estimated boundary, raising new concerns about insufficient groundwater testing.
More via MLive:
#AnnArbor #Dioxane #AnnArborDioxanePlume #Michigan #WaterQuality #GroundwaterPollution
#groundwaterpollution #waterquality #Michigan #annarbordioxaneplume #dioxane #annarbor