"after the California fires of 2007 and 2008, the U.S. Geological Survey found that, when mixed with water, the ash was almost as caustic as oven cleaner" https://www.ualberta.ca/folio/2017/05/after-the-fire--sifting-through-the-legacy-of-toxic-ash.html #dioxin #lead #furans #carcinogens #Lahaina
#dioxin #lead #furans #carcinogens #Lahaina
TLAV - EPA, East Palestine -
Open Burning | Ohio Environmental Protection Agency -
Dioxins and polyvinylchloride in combustion and fires - PubMed
Burning plastic raises a stink - NS -
Dioxins Produced by Backyard Burning | US EPA -
#TLAV #maui #dioxin
Considering the #nzgov efforts over decades to downplay the situation at #Paritūtū, and the now long gone #ivonwatkinsdow #dioxin plant, this is both expected, and awful
#nzgov #paritutu #ivonwatkinsdow #dioxin
Situation Update March Eighteenth Twenty Twenty Three, The Health Ranger Report - Dioxin In Ohio -
Environmental Health Risk Assessment of Dioxin Exposure through Foods in a Dioxin Hot Spot—Bien Hoa City, Vietnam - PMC
Counteracting the Effects of Dioxins Through Diet - Nutrition Facts Dr. Michael Gregar -
Diabetes and Dioxins - Nutrition Facts Dr. Michael Gregar -
Dioxins in the Food Supply - Nutrition Facts Dr. Michael Gregar -
#dioxin #diabetes #ohio
From the Guardian: “EPA sued over reapproval of toxic herbicides using Agent Orange chemical” June 19, 2023
If you want to know more details about the risks from the recent train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio, this podcast episode gives lots of information about what happened, what was done wrong, what the risks are, and what is being done wrong in the aftermath.
#TrainDerailment #EastPalestine #Ohio #dioxin #NorfolkSouthern #toxicity @sts
#trainderailment #eastpalestine #Ohio #dioxin #norfolksouthern #toxicity
After the Wars in #Iraq, ‘Everything Living is Dying’
Decades of war, poverty and fossil fuel extraction have devastated the country’s #environment and its people.
By Lynzy Billing, December 29, 2021
"As far back as 2005, the United Nations had estimated that Iraq was already littered with several thousand contaminated sites. Five years later, an investigation by The Times, a London-based newspaper, suggested that the U.S. military had generated some 11 million pounds of toxic waste and abandoned it in Iraq. Today, the country remains awash in hazardous materials, such as depleted #uranium and #dioxin, which have polluted the soil and water. And extractive #industries like the KAR oil refinery often operate with minimal transparency. On top of all of this, Iraq is among the countries most vulnerable to climate change, which has already contributed to grinding water shortages and prolonged drought. In short, Iraq presents a uniquely #dystopian tableau—one where human activity contaminates virtually every ecosystem, and where terms like '#ecocide' have special currency.
"According to Iraqi physicians, the many overlapping environmental insults could account for the country’s high rates of cancer, birth defects, and other diseases. Preliminary research by local scientists supports these claims, but the country lacks the money and technology needed to investigate on its own. To get a better handle on the scale and severity of the contamination, as well as any health impacts, they say, international teams will need to assist in comprehensive investigations."
#BirthDefects #DepletedUranium #IraqWar #EndlessWar #Nuclear #NuclearWaste #Toxic #WaterPollution #WaterIsLife
Read more:
#iraq #environment #uranium #dioxin #industries #dystopian #ecocide #BirthDefects #DepletedUranium #iraqwar #endlesswar #nuclear #NuclearWaste #toxic #waterpollution #waterislife
So apparently #LabCorp and #Quest are no longer doing blood tests for #dioxin...
...In the states where the train #derailment /toxic chemical spill / bury it in the ground / burn it / #contamination was.
LabCorp shareholders?
Vanguard Group
Quest shareholders?
Vanguard Group
Norfolk Southern shareholders?
Vanguard Group
#Corruption #EastPalastine #TrainDerailment #ToxicChemicalSpill #Ohio
#Ohio #toxicchemicalspill #trainderailment #eastpalastine #Corruption #contamination #derailment #dioxin #quest #labcorp
If someone were to ask me why I think we need to end capitalism, the hardest part of answering is that simply listing everything would take far, far too long. I think everyone already knew that this kind of murderous negligence was standard operating procedure for capitalists, but this disaster has once again made it clear that the millions they spend on corrupting the government have worked, and it takes weeks of pressure, and international attention to get the EPA to tell a big corporation to do the bare minimum, and test to see how badly they poisoned that town.
This whole situation is a disgrace, and it barely scratches the surface.
#NorfolkSouthern #EPA #Corruption #Capitalism #Dioxin #EastPalestine
#norfolksouthern #epa #Corruption #capitalism #dioxin #eastpalestine
If someone were to ask me why I think we need to end capitalism, the hardest part of answering is that simply listing everything would take far, far too long. I think everyone already knew that this kind of murderous negligence was standard operating procedure for capitalists, but this disaster has once again made it clear that the millions they spend on corrupting the government have worked, and it takes weeks of pressure, and international attention to get the EPA to tell a big corporation to do the bare minimum, and test to see how badly they poisoned that town.
This whole situation is a disgrace, and it barely scratches the surface.
#NorfolkSouthern #EPA #Corruption #Capitalism #Dioxin #EastPalestine
#norfolksouthern #epa #Corruption #capitalism #dioxin #eastpalestine
Situation Update, Mar 18, 2023 - EPA finally admits to toxic DIOXIN FALLOUT from Ohio train catastrophe
- EPA releases just two dioxin test results from Ohio
- Reveals HUNDREDS of times higher levels of dioxins than what is safe
- Confirmation yet again that #dioxin fallout took place
- Very likely there are areas with thousands of times higher dioxin levels
- This means the food supply from Ohio will be contaminated to some degree
- Interview with Michael Yon on Dutch farmers
- "BBB" is just a globalist front that will surrender the farms, he says
- Farms are being grabbed to make a tri-state globalist city with ports and rail
Ohio Derailment Disaster - The Mystery of the Pre-Placed Orange Box Car
Note in the attached video the pre-placed orange box car that was set aflame along with the contents of the ditch.
The car was a separate fire from the ditch contents that was placed next to some drainage pipes that led to a reservoir that drained into the Ohio River.
The car had been placed there at least 9 months in advance of this ecological disaster which released massive amounts of dioxin into the atmosphere and waterways.
Video here: http://bit.ly/3KXPY0G
Text and picture based article with source links here: https://tinyurl.com/mwx6nyc
#enviroment #dioxin #OhioDerailment #ohio
Ohio Derailment Disaster - The Mystery of the Pre-Placed Orange Box Car
Note in the attached video the pre-placed orange box car that was set aflame along with the contents of the ditch.
The car was a separate fire of this box car that was placed right in front of some drainage pipes that led to a reservoir that drained into the Ohio River.
The car had been placed there at least 9 months in advance of this ecological disaster.http://bit.ly/3INMqet
The Ohio Train Derailment Burning Disaster Gets Even More Evil - The Mystery of the Pre-Placed Orange Box Car
Watch this video showing current and archival footage of a pre-placed Orange Box car that was fiercely burning along with the vinyl chloride that was set on fire.
Just happened to be positioned in front of some drainage pipes that led into a reservoir that drains into the Ohio River.
More evidence that this was not just an accident. http://bit.ly/3INMqet
Situation Update, Mar 2, 2023 - World War grows closer by the day - Feat. former UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter
- Full interview with Scott Ritter about Ukraine, Russia, Nord Stream and NATO
- Details on Russia's nuclear missile systems and hyperglide re-entry vehicles
- Blackrock to acquire Ancestry.com, giving them ownership over all your DNA
- Six signs your neighbor will become a LOOTER when SHTF
- Uponor (ProPex / expansion fitting) plumbing repair demonstration
- Ohio group issues list of DEMANDS from Norfold Southern train wreck catastrophe
- EPA declares it REFUSES to test for #dioxin contamination
- The EPA is waging a chemical WAR against the American people while protecting corporate profits
- Every federal agency - EPA, USDA, FDA, ATF, etc. - is actively working to destroy the people
- Prepare to survive an off-grid / grid down scenario
The EPA now says they won't test for #dioxin chemicals in East Palestine because they don't have a "baseline" of levels that existed BEFORE the vinyl chloride was deliberately ignited, created a massive dioxin plume cloud that rained down toxic chemicals on thousands of farms, schools and homes.
In other words, the EPA says they can't test NOW because they don't have data from THE PAST.
This is insane. We don't want to know the data from the past. We want to know the dioxin levels NOW.
The #EPA is a criminal front that protects corporate interests at the cost of innocent human lives. SHAME ON THEM!
#Dioxin #toxicity thwarted by #GreenTea pigments and #blacktea #theaflavins
#theaflavins #blacktea #greentea #toxicity #dioxin
#Mushrooms could be used for #dioxin #cleanup in #EastPalestine
#EastPalestine #cleanup #dioxin #mushrooms
#Mushrooms could be used for #dioxin #cleanup in #EastPalestine
#EastPalestine #cleanup #dioxin #mushrooms
One of nature's remedies for #dioxin #poisoning
#EastPalestine #seaweed #poisoning #dioxin