Daniel Luger and Tamás Kovács present now our experiences on "Can we translate regesta (abstracts/digests) automatically?" at the @DHIParis @Ecoledeschartes workshop. #diplomaticsrulez #auxhist #automatictranslation
#diplomaticsrulez #auxhist #automatictranslation
Glad to see how seeds planted in a project (Rolf Große @dhiparis) with high reputation long ago blossom: https://qed.perspectivia.net/gallia-pontifica-online/ Now I'm only waiting for the #TEI used in the backend to be available as #opendata! #regestapontificia #diplomaticsrulez #auxhist
#tei #OpenData #regestapontificia #diplomaticsrulez #AuxHist
After several meetings on DH #infrastructure (e.g. how to organise shared access to GPU-clusters?), supervising two #PhD candidates (on #distantviewing #Newsreels and on interdisciplinary #digitalScholarlyEditions, preparing for a presentation on #srmanticweb and #regesta if #medieval #charters (#diplomaticsrulez), teaching #Persona methods to a DH course on the example of #endangeredlanguages #digitalarchives and conversion of book #indices into #factoid #prosopography I finally conclude my #dayofdh2023 #dayofdh with bottle of beer ...
#infrastructure #PhD #distantviewing #newsreels #digitalScholarlyEditions #srmanticweb #regesta #medieval #charters #diplomaticsrulez #persona #endangeredlanguages #digitalarchives #indices #factoid #prosopography #dayofdh2023 #dayofdh